28 October 2022

Regenerative BBM

Aside from solving the problem of delivering on his promise of a P20/kg rice for PH consumers in the Philippines as according to my advice in my earlier essay, BBM can regenerate the damaged heart of PH Agriculture by focusing on organic farming – smartly with my proposed reinvention of the rotavator.

(“Bongbong” from twitter.com, “Heart” from futurity.org)

Wednesday, 27 Oct 2022, I blogged, “How Farmers Can Grow Miracle Rice II, Vendors Sell At P20/kg And Make Millions Filipinos Healthier & Farmers Happier!” (Frank And Healthy Minds, blogspot.com). There, I mentioned Organic Agriculture (OA) as the simple/not-so-simple triggering solution to BBM’s problem of producing P20/kg rice for consumers.

As well I mentioned that the rotavator needs to be redesigned so that it automatically works for the farmer towardsOA – the reinvented rotavator will automatically create and distribute evenly on any field full of weeds an automatic plant-soil-mix mulch. As it deserves, I call it WEALThWeeds-Enriched Automatic Layer of Trash Triggering Terrestrial Health – your organic mulch or trash, which is what the rotavator will roboticallyproduce with my new accurate & intelligent (new AI) mechanical adjustments. I call the reinvented rotavator the TRASHMaker.

To produce the TRASHMaker for the millions of Filipino farmers, I would need P5 million as total expenses – I know BBM can easily produce that much from government finances if he wants to.

We have to make all those ricelands fertile – and we can, naturally! And in doing that, we make all those farmers filthy rich. Here’s how:

“Baro a Banag a Mangpayaman ti Mannalon”(BBMm).
Literally speaking – “A new something to enrich the farmer.”

From BBMm, I am requesting a budget of P5 million, to be distributed as follows:

Reinventing the Rotavator: P2 million to reengineer the rotavator with features that allow it to be operated by anyone, experienced or inexperienced farmer, so that the rotavator will mechanically/automatically produce WEALTh.

Website: P2 million for building a website on Regenerative Agriculture (RA).

Book/handouts: P1 million for producing a book, including handouts or downloadables, about Regenerative Agriculture and all of the above.

What are my credentials for proposing to employ the American concept of “Regenerative Agriculture” in general and my Filipino/Ilocano “TRASHMaker” in particular so that Philippine agriculture becomes regenerative?

I am a full-blooded Ilocano (FBI), born in Asingan, Pangasinan, with all its farms along the roads coming/going from/to Urdaneta City, Binalonan, San Manuel, Tayug, and Villasis. This FBI is a poor man’s son – yet, I thank God I was born at all!

Yes, Asingan, Pangasinan – the town of President Fidel Valdez Ramos (FVR) and his daughter Senator Leticia Ramos-Shahani– and Hermogenes Esperon, FVR’s Chief of Staff. Proud Asinganian!

I remember enjoying visits to our farm with my father, “Lakay Disiong” (Dionisio Resulto Hilario). We had a “bangkag” (dryland farm) across the Chico River from our village Sanchez. Lakay Disiong and “Inang Satur” (Sixta Agapito-Hilario) sent my brother Emilio, me and sister Brillita from Elementary Grades up to College with incomes from rice farming in the farm lots and vegetable growing in the bangkag.

So, BBM Sir, let us regenerate the whole Philippine Agriculture!@517


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