13 November 2022

“PH Farmers’ Revolt” – With Pres Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr Leading, Filipinos Will Show The World How To Solve Farmer Poverty And Resolve Climate Change!

PH President Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr “rallied [Friday] fellow leaders in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to come up with a ‘collective’ action to fight Climate Change” – inadvertently, I note that the top image above, which is blurred, reflects the current realities

We can blame PhilStarfor the poor picture that accompanies Helen Flores’ news report, “Marcos Jr Rallies Fellow ASEAN Leaders On Climate Change” (12 Nov 2022, philstar.com) – still, I see it as a reflection of the times we are in, brought about by Climate Change that is brought about by the lack of Primate Change!

We people don’t want to change our ways in the matter of treating the environment right, in allowing Mother Nature to take her course – we insist that we are Intelligent Beings and know what we are doing!

Ms Helen says:

Citing the vulnerability of developing countries to climate impacts, President Marcos rallied yesterday fellow leaders in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to come up with a “collective” action to fight climate change.

The leaders were Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, Laos Prime Minister Phankham Viphavanhand Malaysia’s Lower House Speaker Azhar Azizan Harun. This was during the Asean-China Summit as part of the 40th and 41st Asean Summits in Phnom Penh yesterday.

BBM told his fellow Asean leaders:

Addressing climate change is our collective responsibility and developed countries should play a bigger role in global efforts to mitigate its risks, its effects, its damage and loss. Developing countries are more vulnerable, lose more when these climate shocks hit and have fewer resources to cope with the adverse effects of these shocks.

BBM was saying the bigger role in confronting the climate crisis belongs to the bigger countries. Meanwhile:

The ASEAN can address these challenges by strengthening its cooperation mechanism… [He] also emphasized the need to enhance climate resilience in developing nations by “using new agricultural technologies.”

I love that – “using new agricultural technologies”! And, as recent science tells us, there are new agricultural technologies that deliver food security and self-sufficiency – and directly combat Climate Change! They comprise “Regenerative Agriculture.” What else do we want?

The technologies are regenerative because they regenerate the natural fertility of the soil, health of crops and animals that produce healthy foods that produce healthy incomes for farmers – and produce zero, zilch, zippo greenhouse gases (GHGs)! Chemical Agriculture produces up to 29% of total GHGs (05 April 2021, Climate-Smart Agriculture,” World Bank, worldbank.org).

So, I urge BBM to call for a “PH Farmers’ Revolt” that calls for “Organic Farming.” For dramatic effect, above I present dirty clinched fists.
(“Clinched fists” from shutterstock.com, which I modified)

All BBM needs to do is supply Filipino farmers free organic fertilizers. As PH President cum Secretary of Agriculture, it’s easy as ABC!@517


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