15 September 2020

“Antique Hog Raisers Earn ₱12-M In 2 Months” – Impossible?!

From out there, SMH Toreno says Antique hog raisers earned P12 Million from 4 institutional buyers in Metro Manila from July to recently (DA Western Visayas, DA-RAFIS 6). (Facebook sharing; “sold” image from Desert Gat

That’s collecting P6 Million every 30 days, or US$4,000 a day! Is that possible?

It is not only possible; it has already happened. Mr Toreno says swine raisers in Antique sold 1,350 head valued at P12 Million to those 4 buyers in Metro Manila. No, they did not do the selling individually as hog raisers; they were actively assisted by the local government unit, LGU of Sibalom, Leyte along with the Sibalom Livestock and Poultry Raisers Association, SILPRA; and this tandem of 2 sold the hogs to those 4 institutional buyers (names not mentioned in the report). And so, as against the low purchasing price range of P80 to P85/kilo in Sibalom, this went up to P90 to P107/kilo in Metro Manila.

The price is right when the place is right!

I want to emphasize here the huge significance of the assistance of LGU Sibalom and SILPRA in the marketing of the hogs – that they connected with institutional buyers, not individual buyers. Institutional buyers are committed; they guarantee your market and they are yours forever as long as the long-term contract for production-purchase is in effect and the terms are faithfully kept. Both buyers and sellers benefit from the pre-agreed terms and conditions.

The price is always right as it is guaranteed by the contract.

Still, the Antique achievement can be much improved – and institutionalized.

Here is my one recommendation to SILPRA, now with 400 members from the villages of Barbara, Belison, Hamtic, San Jose, San Remigio, and Tibiao:

Form a multipurpose cooperative.

There are at least 3 things that will happen if they form say the Sibalom Hog & Poultry Raisers Cooperative, SHoP Raisers Coop:

(1)   Funds guaranteed. SHoP Raisers Coop will apply for inclusion in the master list of the Cooperative Development Authority, CDA of the Philippines. The coop can then request financial assistance from the public and private sectors.

(2)   Coop will enjoy full support of the DA.Under the leadership of Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, SHoP Raisers Coop can receive loans, equipment and all kinds of assistances. On easy terms, or gratis.

(3)   No dictatorship. No strong-willed leader can dominate the group, unlike in an association – therefore, selfish motives and sectarian moves can be entirely eliminated. The structure of the cooperative, if the rules of the CDA are followed, prevents dominance of any group.

Of course, the DA will also assist the associations, but not with much content and confidence as it has dealing with cooperatives.

I know all that because I am a Board Member of Nagkaisa Multipurpose Cooperative of my hometown Asingan, Pangasinan. The President of an association can dictate his will to the members because they feel beholden to him – you cannot dictate to the coop board who represent varied interests: tenant, farmer, businessman, landowner, religious person, civic-minded individual.

In Union there’s Strength!@517




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