07 December 2020

“Soil, The Mother From Which We Are All Re-Born” – Frank A Hilario

The Facebook sharing about Soil coming from FAO says: “5 reasons why we need to cherish the ground beneath our feet: 1, Soils are the basis for healthy food production. 2, Soils host a quarter of our planet’s biodiversity. 3, Soils help to combat and adapt to climate change. 4, Soils are essential for food security. 5, Soils store and filter water.”

On World Food Day, Saturday, 05 December 2020, SRO greets me with the above image. (I added source: Sadhguru.) The original title reads: “Soil: The Mother From Which We Are All Born[1] – Sadhguru.” From the same source, it says that Indian mystic:

Sadhguru looks at how soil is not “dirt” as it is commonly referred to, but the very source of our body and our life. He explain(s) how unless we keep the soil on the planet rich and strong, it could lead to a weakening of genetic material in the human system.

Unfortunately, those who seem to be followers of this Indian yogi, the makers of the video itself, do not present visuals that attempt to prove or probe, express or explain what the Master is saying – the scenes do not attempt to portray what the person is pronouncing: It’s just Sadhguru talking, gesturing a little. This is very bad communication. But I forgive those video makers, Indians or not –

What Sadhguru is saying is literally earth-shaking!
The Soil is Our Mother, All of Us, Sons & Daughters.

As a Filipino and Roman Catholic, it is easy for me to see and accept that. The Bible says in Genesis 2:7 (New Revised Standard Version) –

Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.

Literally, Sadhguru means:

The soil is our source of life – how we take good care of it is how it continues to nourish us.

Today, it is clear that thatis already happening. We grow food on soils. When we spray poisons on our crops to kill the pests and disease organisms, the toxic residues coming from above and from below remain in the farm produce, and we ingest those whether we know or not.

What is that but weakening the genetic material in the human system?!

I think that we can appreciate the processes that go on to keep the soil soil when we consider this (my science):

You rotavate the field down to only 2-3 cm so that the weeds, crop refuse and soil cut into pieces in the same motion are also mixed together and laid on top of that field throughout. That mixture begins a new rich life for your soil. And in your next crop, you get the full wholesomeness of that soil that becomes the wellness of your body.

Thus, the enriched soil in our field is the Mother from which we are all reborn healthy.

Sadhguru speaks in mystical terms; I speak literally:
The soil is by which we are re-born!@


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