03 February 2022

Frank A Hilario, The Boy Who Cried Wolf – And The Wolf Was The United Nations! No, This Is Not From Aesop’s Fables

Any of the agencies of the United Nations will tell you Climate Change is real, and it is exacerbated by man via the greenhouse gases (GHGs) that he produces with his acts of manufacture, transportation, and agriculture. But the UN does notflag down chemical agriculture (CA) as unsustainable, that in fact CA is the source of so much GHGs! Where is the science in that?!

(image of “Wolf” from TwiSted Plays, “Control” from Science Learning Hub)

In 2007, I was already blogging about Climate Change, as you can read in this essay of mine: “Family Affairs. Having Done Well, ICRISAT Must Do Better!” 23 Nov 2007, Frank A Hilario, Blogspot.com), where I mentioned one of the options that the poor must be taught is how to respond to climate change.

There is this undated & unauthored article appearing on the United Nations webpage that declares clearly: “The UN family is at the forefront of the effort to save our planet,” that is, from climate change (“Climate Change,” United Nations, UN.org). Immediately, I ask, “At the forefront, really?!”

I am guessing the undated UN article was uploaded this year 2022, as it mentions the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) dated 2021. On that, it says:

The (IPCC) report clearly states that the role of human influence on the climate system is undisputed. It also shows that human actions still have the potential to determine the future course of climate, pointing to strong and sustained reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to limit climate change. Benefits for air quality would come quickly, while global temperatures would take 20-30 years to stabilize.

“The role of human influence on the climate system is undisputed” – why has not this unpleasant truth been repeatedly broadcast in print and digital media to wake people up to their sins against the environment and, by extension, to the people including themselves?

“It also shows that human actions still have the potential to determine the future course of climate.” We can reverse climate change to a great extent if we contribute to the Global Anti-Climate Change effort, what I call Primate Change (hence the name of my blog, which I created 14 years ago).

Some 14 years after Al Gore and the IPCC co-won the Nobel Peace Prize, why has not the UN instructed governments all over the world to watch out for the wolf packs of GHGs and save their flocks from the hungry mouths?

Since Agriculture is the #1 industry in the Philippines, it is crucial that our farmers must now practice Regenerative Agriculture, to cut off the emission of GHGs from farming 100%. My personal preference is Regenerative AgriForestry, which I explain in an earlier essay (“Transforming Ifugao Rice Terraces Into Food & Wood Wonders – I Wonder How?” 17 Jan 2022, Primate Change, Blogspot.com).

Also regenerative and already familiar, Filipino farmers should apply Organic Agriculture, to reduce to zero their GHGs!@517

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