12 June 2021

12 June 1898 – Is It The Day Philippine Independence Was Proclaimed? No!

Saturday, 12 June 2021, we are celebrating a flawed declaration of Philippine Independence – and you were ignorant of that! I am proud being a Filipino, but I am not proud knowing the incorrecthistory of my country!

No, in the town of Cavite-Viejo, Province of Cavite, on the 12th day of June 1898, what was executed was not a “Declaration of Philippine Independence” but a “Declaration of Philippine Dependence.” 2 letters make an historic difference – It’s time to know correct history!

I had googled for “Philippine Independence Day” and reached the website of Filipino.biz.ph showing the document titled “Declaration of Philippine Independence.”

And this one has an un/pleasant surprise!

Why am I writing this article to correct an historical error when I am not an historian? Because I want you to know that as a journalist, I do not hesitate to search and search again and again for more facts and/or details when I am writing, especially now that we have the Internet as a limitless library and an indefatigable answerer of endless questions.

Because my kind of journalism drives me to historical accuracy – I call it THINK Journalism, and it goes like this:

True? If True is it
Helpful? If Helpful, is it
Inspiring? If Inspiring, is it
Necessary? If Necessary, is it
Kind? If Kind, by all means announce it!

Not True.

At Filipino.biz.ph, I am reading an English translation by Sulpicio Guevara. The 7th paragraph of the Declaration says it all:

And having as witness to the rectitude of our intentions the Supreme Judge of the Universe, and under the protection of our Powerful and Humanitarian Nation, The United States of America, we do hereby proclaim and declare solemnly in the name by authority of the people of these Philippine Islands…

Those gentlemen, all 95 of them, from #1 Don Segundo Arellano to #95 Don Ladislao Diwa (including a double entry of Don Leon Tanjanque), by signing did “solemnly swear to recognize and defend it (the country) unto the last drop of their blood.”

I quote again: “under the protection of our Powerful and Humanitarian Nation, The United States of America” – there is no mistaking it, that while those 95 gentlemen are declaring these islands’ independence from Spain, they are at the same time invoking these islands’ dependence on the USA!

Not Helpful.

No Sir, the Declaration of Philippine Independence in 1898 did not happen as these Filipino historians claim: Teodoro Agoncillo, Encarnacion Alzona, Renato Constantino,  Horacio dela Costa, Reynaldo Ileto, Ambeth Ocampo, Carlos Quirino, Nicolas Zafra, and Gregorio Zaide.

Not Inspiring enough.

The desire for Independence was inspiring, but from one master to another? From Mother Spainto Uncle Sam!

Was Necessary.

In any case, I’m glad it happened. Under Spain, we were stunted growing as a nation.

Was Kind, Historically.

This declaration paved the way for the USA to completely rule the Philippine Islands in the next 48 years, and we Filipinos learned many American ways: Democracy, Bill of Rights, American English. For those and more, personally, I am glad!@517

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