19 July 2021

Agriculture – Bill Gates Wants Meatless, Frank A Hilario Wants Chemicals-Less, And Less Climate Change!

Thereby, Bill Gates is trying to wreak havoc on my meals! I love meat, especially pork, especially Philippine lechon.

I also love vegetables. I love pinakbet, the Ilocanos’ mix of bitter (bitter gourd), slimy (okra), fish-salty (bagoong), earthy (eggplant), and salacious (sauce having absorbed every single taste in the dish). I love it! An Ilocano, my father Lakay Disiong (God bless his soul) cooked pinakbet the way we all loved: with that wonderful flavor of pork!

Meat can’t get away from me.

I’m reading the article “Bill Gates: The Future Of Meat Is Vegan[1]” I saw shared on Facebook today, Sunday, 18 July 2021, published by Animal Equality 21 October 2012 (animalequality.org), saying:

A video has recently exploded on the (Internet) of Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates speaking about the potential worldly benefits of veganism.

Against worldly harm of animalism (my coinage), Mr Gates says (my editing):

Most people believe that animals should not be harmed unnecessarily, but the consumption of animal products forces animals into (lives) of misery and untimely (deaths).

I agree 100%, but can’t eat without meat.

In that article:

Gates discusses a future in which science will allow the production of vegetarian “meat.” (The) product will likely be cheaper, more efficiently produced and better for the planet.

Mr Gates’ main argument is that:

Veganism is a lifestyle based on respect for animals. Animals are sentient beings like us. They are able to feel emotions and sensations such as pain, pleasure, fear or stress and like us they are individuals with their own needs, desires and (interests) in living.

“Better for the planet.” What Mr Gates is not saying is that poultry and livestock grown anywhere in the world today are fed with vegetables and/or other plants grown with the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides – applied against bacteria, fungi, viruses, weeds – that kill those perceived to be enemies of farmers but leave chemical residues on the crops that harm the animals feeding on them, that destroy the health of farmers and other humans consuming them, that wreak havoc on the atmosphere by causing the release of greenhouse gases that cause man-made climate change. A vegan world that Mr Gates wants is actually the badder for the planet!

What did British scientist-thinker Jane Goodall say about it again?

How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?
(Jane Goodall quote with imag
e[2] from Pinterest)

Now then, if I were to choose between being kind to animals and being kind to mankind by not producing greenhouse gases that cause global damages by climate changes (my term) with my farming, I will choose to feed my animals with plant foods grown and protected from pests and diseases naturally such as by using organic pesticides, as well as by trap cropping and multiple cropping. Of course you know: “Mother Nature knows best.”

Let the world protect itself by mankind being conscious every time and following the Laws of Mother Nature!@517



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