04 December 2021

Pamilya Muna Party-List – “Sa Pamilya Ang Daan Sa Pag-Unlad Ng Bayan”

We have to invest time & talent in the 2022 elections, even today… A friend says he belongs to a political grouping that calls itself “Pamilya Muna Party-List” (see logo above). “Pamilya Muna” literally means “Family First.” I believe in the primordial importance of the family, so I’m trying to help.

The point of contention is the family, which in the Filipino way of life ideally comprises a father, mother, and a biological child or children.

1stproposed party slogan: “Sa pamilya ang daan sa pag-unlad ng bayan.” (Free translation: “To promote society, promote family first.” In other words, a society promoted can be seen by how much family lives have improved compared to the past.

2ndproposed party slogan: “Ang pag-unlad ng bansa, Pamilya ang umpisa!” (free translation: “The country’s prosperity begins with the family.”

“Sa pamilya ang daan sa pag-unlad ng bayan” means that the ultimate measure of progress (kaunlaran) is the status of the family – whether the family is earning enough to meet the minimum food and family needs at all times, or whether there are times, if not most of the time, when the family can sustain itself in terms of food for every single day but cannot meet or has difficulty meeting other needs, whether in clothing, shelter, medicine, or leisure, or all of the above.

I understand that the party-list Pamilya Muna is crusading for the common benefits of all Filipino families – and that socio-economic progress must be always measured, first and foremost, by what bits & pieces of progress are enjoyed by Filipino families in common as a result of government programs, projects or efforts.

To help Pamilya Muna Party-List “sell” the party, I am advising it to conduct an informal survey of what families consider as their pressing need/s. This question may be able to elicit the desired information:

“What are the 3 primary family needs that you would like to be satisfied today with the help of our government?” (“Anong tatlong pangangailangan ng inyong pamilya ang hihilingin ninyong mapunuan sa tulong ng gobyerno natin?”)

2 choices of conducting survey. Barrio survey: The wife should be the one interviewed because she knows more than the husband the family socio-economic situation. School survey: Ask a teacher to assign the class to ask their parents.

Once the survey is completed, Pamilya Muna Party-List will have a reliable source of bits & pieces of information on what to say and/or promise to the voters in order for the party representative to win in the election next year.

I’m interested in the survey results because I know that there are at least 5 million farming households – which happen to be also my communication targets in my blog RegINA, Queen Mother Earth, where “RegINA” is acronym for Regenerative from Intelligent, Information-Intense, Insightful Nature-Aligned Agriculture.”

The Pamilya Muna slogan and campaign may include other groups, but the emphasis is clear: It means that from now on, any of the socio-economic moves of government should put the family in a paramount consideration: Family First!@517


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