10 March 2022

As Amerigo Vespucci Explored The New World During The Age Of Discovery, Here’s Frank A Hilario Exploring The Old-New World Of Agriculture – Not Looking Bright!

Today, Wednesday, 09 March 2022, I shift my blogging attention, now full-time focusing on Organic Agriculture (OA), with a new blog whose full name – “Farming Advancing Home, Health & Habitat” – actually enumerates the advantages of OA: furthering farmers’ & their families’ prosperity, making available to everyone naturally healthy foods from crops & livestock, and powerfully combatting climate change by eliminating greenhouse gases (GHGs) from millions of hectares of farms.

The above portrait is that of Amerigo Vespucci, born today, 09 March in 1451. Wikipedia says (Wikipedia.org), he was an Italian merchant, explorer, and navigator from the Republic of Florence, from whose name the term “America” has been derived.
(image from

And so, in this Digital Age when the Information Superhighway is right there for everyone to travel anytime, I know of no movers and keepers of a national movement either in America or Europe in favor of 100% organic agriculture (OA). There is no media campaign to adopt OA to fight climate change contributed to by chemical agriculture (CA) generating GHGs – no world-reknown scientist espousing OA and exposing CA for producing GHGs that exacerbate climate change.

Me, I found myself writing about climate change and CA in 2013, but did not clearly connect the two and did not prescribe OA to replace CA (see “Bhoochetana Challenge. The Drylands, Rich Bacteria, Poor Farmers & Wealthy Markets,” 01 May 2013, iCRiSAT Watch, Blogspot.com). 6 years later, on 22 April 2019, I wrote “To Solve Climate Change, Look Beneath Your Feet – Jean-Paul Courtens,” Blogspot.com), but did not mention GHGs. Today, I want to correct my errors with this blog dedicated to 100% organic farming. A new old me!
(self-portrait on a bus going home to Asingan, Pangasinan, Philippines 13 May 2017)

Actually, with my original version of OA as regenerative agriculture, I’m just beginning to appreciate how farmers can reject CA and embrace OA as their comradein farms!

Today, Wednesday, 09 March 1522 was the day Martin Luther began preaching his "Invocavit Sermons" in the German city of Wittenberg, “reminding citizens to trust God's word rather than violence and thus help bring to a close the revolutionary stage of the Reformation” (On This Day, onthisday.com).

“Invocavit” is a “very spiritual person who often relies on intuition for decision making” (meaningslike.com). I love that! I’m a diehard Roman Catholic, mindful, but I always rely on intuition for deciding on what to write, how to write it, among other things.

So, now I have decided to concentrate on organic agriculture, a subject I do not remember being mentioned in college when I was studying for my BS Agriculture major in Ag Edu at the UP College of Agriculture, now UP Los Baños – nor has UPLB been teaching OA as an alternative to CA in its 113 years of existence! Now that I mention that:

You see that organic agriculture has been much neglected, even as climate change that chemical agriculture helps bring about, is unabated!@517

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