02 March 2022

For Farmers To Become Wealthy, I Advise Organic, What I Call “Weeds-Enriched Agricultural Layup Triggering Terrestrial Health” WEALTh – Maximum Growth & Minimal Expense!

Top image: You have to know the essence of what you’re doing, or what you want others to learn, if you are an adviser, educator, or a trainor. It turns out that Dodong Cacanando, an entrepreneur counselor, knows the first basis of growing healthy crops: a healthy soil!

Bottom image: “Artificial fertilizers are why you’re broke” – Freedom Brothers on Regenerative Agriculture, the practice of agriculture I began espousing earnestly only the 2nd week of this February. I am an agriculturist, UP '65, aged 81+ – Better late than never!

My son-of-a-farmer’s heart has always been in sympathy with farmers who toil hard & long in the fields even now with modern technologies & systems, but remain near, at or below the poverty level. Possessing & practicing a business sense is of course crucial, but there are 3 more fundamental aspects of Chemical Agriculture (CA) anywhere on Earth – one, CA deprives the soil of its wealth; two, CA deprives the farmer of much-deserved profit; and three, CA deprives the Earth of climate health because it causes the generation of greenhouse gases that exacerbate climate change.

The fruitful image above is a 01 March 2022 Facebook sharing by Jim Leandro from a lesson on “The Responsibilities Of The Leader” Session 2 of the ongoing “The Entrepreneur's Journey Level Up Program” by Dodong Cacanando, an entrepreneur (Facebook). The definitive text reads:

If you want a plant to be fruitful,
do not focus on the fruits.
Instead, focus your energy on growing a healthy plant.

That makes me extremely glad that regenerative organic agriculture can be perfectly understood even by managers who are not into farming. Mr Cacanando has the perfect analogy for fruitfulness or generative capacity, and I hereby thank him immensely!

Now then, just this month, I intuited that organic agriculture was the one-and-only solution for this Modern Triad of Problems: (1) farmer poverty, (2) unhealthy foods, and (3) climate change (see my essay on 15 Feb 2022, “For A Happier & Healthier Habitat Philippines! Triple A For Agriculture,” in a new blog for what I know would be “A Forever Series” – For A (Happier) Philippines! Blogspot.com).

(For your information, I have been blogging everyday since January 2020, or for the last 26 months, for a total of 790 essays. At my age, my personal cause for communication for village development starting last year has been regenerating me!)

As you will read in the essay I mentioned above, my organic formula is not a fertilizer made in the classical sense but itself a marriage of soil and weeds simultaneously cut and mixed in one proper rotavator operation over the field – the process I call WEALth: “weeds-enriched agriculture layup triggering terrestrial health.” The WEALth of that field thus enriches it naturally, illustrating the truth of what Mr Cacanando says:

“If you want a plant to be fruitful, do not focus on the fruits. Instead, focus your energy on growing a healthy plant.” You begin from the beginning – Soil.@517

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