16 March 2022

I Say, Let Sister Imee Marcos Debate For Bongbong! And Let The Other Presidential Candidates Be Spoken For By Ladies – I’m Sure It Will Be Educational In More Ways Than One!

Why cannot Bongbong refuse to attend the debate being called for by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) this Saturday, 19 March 2022?

Intelligently, I say he can, if he wants to. Better, let us learn from the US where, on 04 Nov 1956 happened “The First Televised Presidential Debate” (United States Senate, senate.gov): Eleanor Roosevelt debating for the Democrats, and Margaret Chase Smithfor the Republicans! So, why not PH Presidentiables represented by their chosen women?
(5 ladies image from southerntierincubator.com)

More. The news by ANN is, “Marcos Jr Won’t Attend Comelec Presidential Debate” (Author Not Named, 14 Mar 2022, ABS-CBN News, news.abs-cbn.com). I say Bongbong has the absolute right to refuse to attend any debate. Being a good President of a country is not to be measured by one’s prowess in debating with others.

Ladies & gentlemen, let’s show more intelligence – if you emphasize debates, you are looking for leadership that is more critical in thinking and less creative!

Why is creativity a necessary presidential trait? Being a creative thinker, s/he will be able to think of opportunities behind obstacles, potentials beyond problems.

And right now, the #1 problem in the world is Climate Change. And so I want my Presidentiable to appreciate the role of Organic Agriculture in defeating or minimizing much the awesome dangers from climate change.

I promise to campaign for that Presidentiable who will adopt as part of his/her campaign platform the pursuit of Philippine Organic Agriculture like it has never been before.

And why am I after 100% organic farming? For 3 major reasons:

Happy Homes –   Organic agriculture is as inexpensive as you want it. You can buy ready-made formulations, which are much cheaper than chemical fertilizers. Or you can concoct your own. If your fertilizer is cheap or inexpensive, you will make your family happy because you will earn even 10 times more from your farming – consider that the organic fertilizer can cost you almost nothing. (If you follow my procedure, which I refer to as “WEALth,” it will cost you nothing, zero, nada – See my essay, “For A Happier & Healthier Habitat Philippines! Triple A For Agriculture,” 16 Feb 2022, Farming Advancing Home, Health & Habitat, Blogspot.com. In any case, I will be happy to demonstrate the procedure anywhere, or explain in details in writing if you email me.)

Healthy Bodies – This is guaranteed for all because organic farming grows healthy crops, with no chemicals of any kind used. The nutrients in those fruits and vegetables all come from the natural richness of the soil, not from commercial interest.

Harmless Weather – Once organic farming is practiced all over the Philippines, the weather will become less and less harmful as before because there are no more or there are less greenhouse gases that promote global warming and hence destructive weather.

100% I will support the Presidentiable who will support agriculture that supports the Filipino people’s Home, Health, and Habitat!@517

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