05 March 2022

Teddy Baguilat Is My #1 Candidate-Senator, Ifugao-Gaddang, Representing Natives In Their Habitats. My Advice Is Regenerative Agriculture: With A Rainbow Of Crops, “Rice Terraces” Become “Nice Terraces”!

Beyond the Ukraine-Russia-induced crisis, the world is engulfed in the Climate Crisis – and Man must take care of his Environment, or that will take care of him worse than a World War!

Wikipedia says Teddy Baguilat graduated from UP Diliman with a BA in Mass Communication major in Journalism. Well, this journalist will now make his world more colorful.
(Baguilat image from TNT.abante.com.ph)

Mr Baguilat is President of the Global Consortium for Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCA Consortium), advisory to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (en.wikipedia.org). He also has a foundation with the aim of helping students and protecting the environment.

Environment is a subject that the other senatorial candidates cannot claim as being familiar with – and I can claim it as an agriculturist (UP '65) and as Editor In Chief & Founder of the 3 publications of the Forest Research Institute (FORI), 1975-1981: monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly popular magazine. In FORI, I enjoyed many intellectual bites off the environment.

As Mr Baguilat would know working as ICCA Consortium President, biological diversity is as necessary as air to humans. Practices such as multiple cropping and/or intercropping are necessary for better agribusiness as well as better environment. Monocultures are anathema to healthful communities.

Now then, Mr Baguilat will understand what I said in an earlier essay (09 Feb 2022, “Organic Agriculture – Simultaneously Solving Farmer Poverty & Bad Health & Climate Change – Killing 3 Global Goliaths With 1 Stone!” For A (Happier) Philippines! Blogspot.com): That farmers must practice organic agriculture, that is aside from multiple cropping. Organic agriculture regenerates the soil; multiple cropping regenerates the environment.

Gina Lopez, Environment Secretary said, “We keep the light shining brightly in our hearts and that light will bring on our future” (Daisy Langenegger’s Facebook sharing). Climate Change is now obviously endangering that future. It is high time that the Philippine Congress pay attention to what we must do against Climate Change. Today, we need Regenerative Agriculture in order to regenerate healthy food and pleasant weather. If our practice of agriculture continues to contribute greenhouse gases that exacerbate climate change, if we don’t stop that, we are insane!

In 2010, Mr Baguilat won as representative of the lone district of Ifugao, and succeeded in the campaign to preserve the Rice Terraces of the Cordilleras. Preserve? I have a better idea: Prettify! To make all those rice terraces enchanting and at the same time help combat climate change, my advice is:

To make “Nice Terraces” – Terrace by terrace, grow vegetables, flowers, ornamentals, rice, fruit trees. In any combination. Stop the monoculture Rice Terraces and Start the multi-culture Nice Terraces! And forward Organic Farming, forsake Chemical Agriculture!
(image: rainbow terraces from behance.net)

As agriculturist, I see the need to regenerate soils; as voter, I see that with Mr Baguilat as Senator, we will regenerate the Senate into an environment-conscious lawmaking body. Today, we need all the intelligent help we can get!@517

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