06 April 2022

“Golden Rice, Golden Opportunity To Think Better, More, Wider, Deeper, Higher! Only Being Anti-Golden Rice Is Definitely Anti-Intellectual!” – Frank A Hilario

Why didn’t I think of it before? The so-called Golden Rice, a product of R&D by IRRI in the Philippines, has been bashed, objected to, opposed, rallied against by activists here and abroad. Now, those who question the intelligence of those plant breeders, or of IRRI, or of Bill Gates who financed the project, are not being intelligent about it!

This has something to do with thinking Critically andthinking Creatively. Those Antis are only thinking Critically, sorry to say. You have to consider more – to show that you are more intelligent than the side you are opposing!

First, what is Golden Rice?

ANN says (Author Not Named, undated, “Genetically Modified Organisms: The Golden Rice Debate,” NYU Langone Health, med.nyu.edu)

Golden Rice is a genetically modified, biofortified crop. Biofortification increases the nutritional value of crops. Golden Rice is genetically modified to produce beta-carotene, which is not normally present in rice. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A when metabolized by the human body. We need vitamin A for healthier skin, immune systems, and vision.

Personally, I accept the logic contained in the above 41-word paragraph. The facts are scientifically stated, with no embellishment of any kind. This is a technical Editor In Chief speaking with many years of international WFH experience.

Next: What are the objections to Golden Rice?

ANN says:

Those in opposition say the project is deeply flawed. Friends of the Earth and MASIPAG agree that merely planting golden rice will not solve the VAD [Vitamin A Deficiency] crisis. They point out that other planned solutions for malnutrition as well as programs currently in place are cheaper and do not require GMOs [Genetically Modified Organisms], thereby making Golden Rice unnecessary.

The Hidden Lesson In Creative Thinking About Golden Rice

The Golden Rice Project began in 1999, when two professors, Ingo Potrykus and Peter Beyer, proposed to genetically engineer rice to add to its natural nutritional value. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded the project, which succeeded in its goal.

Golden Rice was approved for planting on 28 July 2021 (isaaa.org).

What Now? If You Oppose Golden Rice, Think Better!

Being merely anti-Golden Rice is anti-intellectual. Because thinking critically is only half of intelligent thinking; the betterhalf is thinking creatively. Those who oppose Golden Rice – as a thinkerer(my coinage), I do not oppose Golden Rice: I oppose only half-thinking – for their own sake, they should seriously consider campaigning hard against what they consider Enemy. Today, media campaigns are inexpensive –

Facebook is free; blogging is free!

The Golden Rice Project says, “Golden Rice is part of the solution” (goldenrice.org). Note: “part of the solution.” That should be a deciding point – those who are pro-Golden Rice are not claiming that it is the only solution!

The only solution to the problem of those who are anti-Golden Rice is for them to practice more in terms of thinking more intelligently. In this Digital Age, if you are thinking only of being anti, you are only half-thinking!@517

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