13 April 2022

Save Our World; Save Our Dams; Save Our Farms; Save Our Farmers; Save Our Villages – The Lives We Save Include Our Own!

Call To Change” is Maureen Kelsey’s Facebook page that has set me to thinking: “Why didn’t I think of that?!” Nonetheless, I’m glad it’s the “Opposite Sex.” A female thought of it first before a male shaped it in his head – I’ve been into “Climate Change” even before Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize. “Ladies first” has never been this good!

And it was another lady, my sister Brillita Hilario-Sindayen who saw it first, the image above that says:

“Two Plants Can Save The World” – Meet Bamboo & Hemp. Grows Anywhere. Creates Jobs. Replaces Oil, Coal & Wood. When used in 50,000 products, it’s all good.”

Being Filipino as well as WFH international science editor in (American) English in the last 22 years, I could not help but correct Ms Maureen’s text into this:

“Two Plants Can Save The World” – Meet Bamboo & Hemp. Grow Anywhere. Create Jobs. Replace Oil, Coal & Wood. When used in 50,000 products, they’re all good.”

(Grammar is also important.)

What is most important is the message.

The number Ms Maureen cites is amazing: “50,000 products” from bamboo & hemp. On my sister’s Facebook post, I added: “And they both are natives of the Philippines!”

Even where we are, teacher or housewife or WFH writer, we can contribute in our own way to defeat climate change!

I will now add native bamboo and Manila hemp (abaca) species in my advocacy of regenerative organic agriculture via my blog Towards A New Eden (Blogspot.com) that has this slogan: “True + Helpful + Inspiring + Necessary + Kind = "THiNK! Journalism." Ms Maureen’s Facebook page is not only thinking but also acting!

Ms Maureen’s slogan is “Save The World.” My slogan is “Save The Farmers.” One of my pertinent essays is, “Every Single Day Would Be World Health Day If We Made Our Soils Healthy First, According To Frank A Hilario – The Healthy 7 Of Regenerative Organic Agriculture!” (08 April 2022, Towards A New Eden, Blogspot.com). The Healthy 7 are: 1. Healthy Soils, 2. Healthy Crops, 3. Healthy Animals, 4. Healthy Fields, 5. Healthy Bank Accounts, 6. Healthy Food Consumers, and 7. Healthy Climates. I explain them all in that single essay; now, to summarize:

How to produce The Healthy 7? I say, “Do organic agriculture. Just do it!”

Here’s the latest news: “Heavy rains [has] raised Angat Dam’s water level by almost 5 meters since April 5” – Inquirer.netFacebook sharing 12 April 2022. Since I became an information officer of the Forest Research Institute in 16 April 1975, I have always known the Angat Dam to raise its water level to “Dangerous” when it rains – because the watersheds and/or the forests that feed it have been overlogged and hardly reforested – and not guarded enough to stop further deterioration of the natural resources.

Our farms everywhere are over-cultivated while under-nourished of healthy organic materials. Not healthy for us, not healthy for the planet. Thus, to save our farms is to save ourselves!@517

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