14 April 2022

Thinking Of The Next Secretary Of Agriculture Of The Philippines – After William Dar, Who?

"Beyond Buzzwords: Transforming Philippine Agriculture” is Secretary of Agriculture William Dar’snew book, his Hello & Goodbye to the Department of Agriculture (DA) he has guided for 2.75 years.

At the Agricultural Training Institute on Friday, 08 April, ANN says, “Sec. Dar Launches Book To Inspire Reforms In Phl Agriculture” (Author Not Named, 11 April 2012, Department of Agriculture, DA.gov.ph). ANN is incorrect; I know Mr Dar has inspired huge reforms within the DA, its 8 regular and 15 attached agencies!

When PRRD appointed Mr Dar as Secretary of Agriculture on 05 August 2019, Mr Dar already had written out and which appeared in his column in The Manila Times that year, what he called The New Thinking For Agriculture with its 8 supporting paradigms (see my essay, “Frank A Hilario Investigates The Paradigms & Paradigm Shifts Of William Dar,” 27 Aug 2019, Ani Kita, Blogspot.com).

William Dar is a Man of Vision.
(My visionary photo of William Dartaken 27 April 2018)

ANN says that during the book launch:

The agri chief explained that it is important to document and share [with] the world or [with] a wider audience meaningful discourse, perspectives, and directions that inspire learning and transformations in the sector.

The book Beyond Buzzwords is to encourage “meaningful discourse, perspectives, and directions” with The New Thinking for Agriculture, which has found expression in the “OneDA” concept with its 18 “Key Strategies” –

1.                Bayanihan Agri Clusters

2.                Collective Action/Cooperatives Development

3.                Province-Led Agriculture & Fisheries Extension System

4.                Mobilization & Empowerment Of Partners

5.                Diversification

6.                Credit Support

7.                Technology & Innovation Including Digital Agriculture

8.                Farm Mechanization & Infrastructure Investments

9.                Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation Measures

10.          Food Safety & Regulations

11.          Agri-Industrial Business Corridors

12.          Global Trade, Export Development & Promotion

13.          Post-Harvest Processing, Logistics & Marketing

14.          Agriculture Career System

15.          Education & Training: Agribusiness Management

16.          Youth & Women Empowerment

17.          Ease of Doing Business & Transparent Procurement

18.          Strategic Communications.

As a leader, Mr Dar has got all the bases covered with the “OneDA Reform Agenda.” I am not surprised, given Mr Dar’s previous 15 years of international experience as Servant Leader (Director General) of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) based in India. 3 terms – ICRISAT/the Indians loved him so much!

ANN says:

Dar also expressed openness to serve as the agriculture chief of the next administration if the opportunity arises.

ANN says his first appointment as Secretary of Agriculture was under President Joseph “Erap” Ejercito Estrada from July 1998 to May 1999 (undated, “William Dollente Dar, Ph.D.,” DA.gov.ph). As Secretary:

He started implementing the provisions of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act… and despite an unfortunate El Niño episode, the agriculture sector registered an unprecedented growth of 9.6% in 1999.

Servant Leadership speaks out through achievements. I hope the next PH Secretary of Agriculture is the man who has spent almost 20 years in national and international administration of science & technology in agriculture serving the people – William Dar!@517

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