04 April 2022

Where Is Climate Change Coming From? I Say, Much Worldwide From Farmers Applying Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Potassium (NPK) For Their Crops. Thus, Farmers Are Fertilizing Climate Change!

With the Climate Crisis, those engaged in agriculture worldwide must wake up to the reality that farming in whatever size or scale or system is a heavy contributor to greenhouse gases (GHGs) that directly/indirectly generate climate change. How? Getting the facts is Easy! Accepting the facts is Hard! (This is also my challenge to Philippine fact-checking journalists with their de facto-leader, Rappler’s Maria Ressa, Filipina Nobel Prize 2021 winner.)

Above, on Facebook, the group “Farmers And Agriculture Industries Worldwide” (in Tagalog) “sells the virtues” of the chemical fertilizers NPK, that is, N for faster growth, P for flowering, and K for fruits & protection. I will grant that the group is 100% technically correct – but chemical agriculture (CA) is the one that is contributing much to climate change by producing so much greenhouse gases (GHGs). Being good at being technical is not always being good!

I insist on the practice of the world’s new Agricultural Gospel – Regenerative Agriculture.

I say, the much-healthier alternative in agriculture is organic agriculture (OA). (I say, the group’s upper image is symbolic of regeneration.)

In saying “regenerative organic agriculture,” I want to emphasize that OA is reproductive of the good, as many as 3 times healthier than chemical agriculture (CA), because with OA practice, we have:

1. Healthier Pockets

2. Healthier Bodies

3. Healthier Villages.

Healthier Pockets

If you apply organic fertilizer in your farming, no matter the source or method of preparing materials, you are saving much in terms of cost – chemical fertilizers cost thousands of pesos while you can produce your own organic fertilizer with minimal expense. If the cost of your farming is light, with income your pocket will become heavy. (I will tackle “organic certification” some other time.)

Pertinently: I recommend that the Department of Agriculture (DA) itself produce the organic fertilizers and distribute it at fair cost – or no cost at all! Calling the attention of Agriculture Secretary William Dar.

Healthier Bodies

Sans chemical fertilizers with their ingredients causing human nutrient-imbalance, with healthy foods grown in farms and gardens, every single human will grow healthier bodies – automatically. Then each one of us will be following the ancient wisdom of Hippocrates who said: “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.”

Healthier Villages

With organic fertilizers spread all over the Philippines and zero chemical fertilizers applied, there will be zero GHGs emanating from farms and gardens – quietly if not quickly resolving the climate crisis. If we do notrequire our farmers to be pocket-conscious plus health-conscious plus village-conscious, we are not being intelligent beings!

My Personal Contribution To Everybody’s Health

Not being a farmer or gardener, and as a retired teacher but an active digital thinkerer (my coinage) ever since 2000, my contribution here continues to be my blogging, which is mostly intellectual and in which I apply my theory that I call “Communication for Village Development in the 21st Century” (CoViD21).

CoViD21: Fertile thoughts for fertile minds!@517

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