11 May 2022

Wanted For PH: “Policies For Prosperity” – Adopting Raul Manglapus’ “Christian Social Movement” Plus Applying “Regenerative Agriculture”

Certainly, we Filipinos will have a new President along with the old political system – decidedly, we need to liberate the people from the all-consuming desires of vested political interests, plural. For the proper prosperity of all of us, why not pursue Raul Manglapus’ 1967 “Christian Social Movement”?

(Upper image, “Principles of Ethics/Poverty,” from oecd.org)

And: You Filipino farmers still have the old agriculture system while climate change haunts food production and therefore all food consumption – you need to liberate your farms from your all-consuming habits based on Chemical Agriculture, and regenerate the soil. For the country, please adopt Regenerative Agriculture now!
(lower image, off my ViewSonic monitor, an accidental Windows 10 collage dated 21 April 2018)

Whoever wins as the next President of the Philippines:

We still have a government for the rich and the poor – no Christian sharing.

We still have an agriculture dictated by business – the environment suffers, the majority of farmers suffer. And the whole country suffers climate changes mainly because of our systemic sins in agriculture.

We people are not smart in 2 national ways:
In politics, we are not Primate-Smart.
In agriculture, we are not Climate-Smart.

Being an agriculturist, my questions are:
“Will our New President be Primate-Smart?”
“Will our Old Agriculture become Climate-Smart?”

Does s/he have in her/his mind the decision to re/appoint a Secretary of Agriculture who understands what role is God and/or Mother Nature plays to what happens to Agriculture?

Climate Change is a scientific consensus – or, at least, accepted by the United Nations as a body, of which PH is a part.

Filipinos, get smart! Here is news from the US of A, a message from the Center for Regenerative Agriculture of the University of Missouri: “USDA To Invest $1 Billion In Climate Smart Commodities, Expanding Markets, Strengthening Rural America” (10 May 2022, cra.missouri.edu).

Nationally, our politics must be based on social realities; our agriculture must be based on climate realities.

On 19 Oct 1967, Raul Manglapus spoke to members of the Manila Rotary Club and launched the “Christian Social Movement.” He spoke of the “Need For Ideology” –

Two years ago, I came to this rostrum and explained to you why this ideological vacuum exists. I said:

“Our two-party system is artificial because it is imposed, not evolved; it is protected by inspectors, not by the solidity of programs. I will say more. It is in fact a system of one party with two factions that are assured of perpetual alternation of power.

“Because of this assurance, the factions find no need to develop their own political philosophies, no need to behave, to perform for the people, in order to stay in power.

“Because of this assurance, there is improvisation instead of vision, a merry-go-round instead of a forward march to progress.

“Where there is no Vision, the people perish!” Proverbs 29:18 (NRSV)

Where there is no Vision, Mr Manglapus says, there is only Improvisation.

Now then, if slowly, we must:

Change PH Politics to Christian Socialism.
Change Farming to Regenerative Agriculture.@

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