04 May 2022

William Dar -- Regenerating Farmers’ Hopes Regenerating Philippine Agriculture Into Agribiz Winners!

On Monday, 09 May 2022, Filipinos elect a new PH President and, soon s/he will appoint a new Secretary of Agriculture. My singular candidate for the next Secretary is? William Dollente Dar!

Because, in 7 words, he is: Regenerative of Policy & Science in Agriculture. We see that in following his professional story:
(“Regenerative” image from letsbekarmic.com)

Unifying Research Activities (1987-1994)
He was the first Director of the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR), BAR being an agency of the Department of Agriculture (DA). This is how he regenerated BAR from the bureaucratic operations of a DA agency (from my 09 April 2014 essay, “William Dar At 61. From Poor To Poor To Poor, Some Rich Lessons,” Creative Thinkering, Blogspot.com):

With his direction, BAR set out to rationalize – that is, unify, integrate, and centralize the funding, monitoring & evaluation of research projects under the jurisdiction of the DA.

Originating Extension Units (1994-1998)
As Director General (DG), he regenerated the Philippine Council for Agriculture & Aquatic Resources Research & Development(PCARRD), creating 2 extension arms of PCARRD – Farmer-Scientist Program and Farmers' Information & Technology Services – and both became popular.

“Defeating” El Niño (1998-1999)
He regenerated PH Agriculture as Secretary of Agriculture under President Joseph Estrada. He implemented the provisions of the Agriculture & Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA), and despite the destructive El Niño episode, with AFMA, PH agriculture grew an unprecedented 9.6% in 1999.

Playing To Win With ICRISAT (2000-2014)
He regenerated the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) based in India as its DG. I now rewrite part of my 2014 essay:

He came up with the concept of “Team ICRISAT.” They were all in this together to win. And they did – they brought ICRISAT from dead last to #1 among 15 international agricultural research agencies of the CGIAR, which included IRRI.

Above, ICRISAT honored him by regenerating the “Innovation Platform” building into the “William D Dar Agribusiness Centre,” 24 Feb 2017.
(image from ICRISAT,
icrisat.org, wife Betty witnessing)

Visioning PH Agriculture (2019-ongoing)
He regenerated the concept of serving as Secretary of Agriculture. Even before being formally appointed, he already had his Vision, Mission & Strategy for Philippine Agriculture – “The New Thinking For Agriculture” with 8 fountains of wisdom he called “Paradigms” (see my essay, “Revolutionizing PH Agriculture And How We Think About It – Manong Willie & Frank H,” 06 June 2020, Towards A New Eden
, Blogspot.com).

Missioning Climate Change Agriculture (since 2000)

Mr Dar is the only Secretary of Agriculture who is into Climate Change. When ICRISAT DG, he wrote (17 April 2012, “A Hypothesis Of Hope For The Developing World,” UN-iLibrary, un-ilibrary.org):

About 99% of climate change casualties take place in the developing world… The poor in these countries are at a higher risk to future climate change, given their heavy dependence on agriculture… insufficient capacity to adapt to climate change… meagre household income and savings…

Amid the physical climate change, we need a Secretary of Agriculture who would continue regenerating PH Agriculture & farmers from agribiz losers into agribiz winners!@517

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