02 June 2022

BBM, The Son Also Rises. Learning From President Ferdinand “FM” Marcos About PH Agriculture 41 Years Ago

How old are our agriculture-related problems do you think? We can learn much from President Ferdinand “FM” Marcos via his speech “On The Thrusts Of The Ministry Of Agriculture” delivered 41 years ago!

(images: FM from Pilipino Mirror, pilipinomirror.com; BBM from manilatimes.net)

The source does not state where he spoke or the occasion (“Speech of His Excellency Ferdinand E Marcos. President of the Philippines ‘On The Thrusts Of The Ministry of Agriculture’” Released on 30 June 1981, Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, (31 May 2022, officialgazette.gov.ph). But we can learn much from FM as he was always authoritative – his Science Minister Emil Q Javier said years ago FM always consulted the expert/s before speaking on a national matter.

In 1973, with FM’s instructions, “Masagana 99” (Bountiful 99) was conceived, with UPLB supporting it with experts. It succeeded in producing rice more than simply covering the national shortage. All PH Agriculture was bountiful.

So, in 1981, PH was exporting rice and self-sufficient in poultry, pork, vegetables, fruits and white corn.

What contributed to the growths were countryside infrastructure – irrigation, dams, and farm-to-market roads. (Secretary of Agriculture William Dar knows the value of all those today.)

FM said:

“We have given him [farmer] credit – cheap, non-collateral credit – so that he can afford the new, high input technology.” (So has Mr Dar and the Department of Agriculture under him.) To the farmer, credit is good and he needs cash.

“We have developed high-yielding seed varieties.” Remember, it was FM who literally pushed IRRI to release IR8 (“Miracle Rice”) even when scientists thought that it was not ready for Extension. And miracles of yields happened!

FM said, “We have assured the farmer a just and fair price for his produce by giving him a guaranteed floor price for his goods.” I think this is where the PRRD government – including executive, legislative, departments– fails, so our farmers have the right to complain about low prices for the foods they produce, in agriculture and fisheries.

“Most important, we have institutionalized these elements to make sure that we do not lose what we have gained, that the farmer’s progress is a continuing thing.” Today, we have institutionalized some elements, such as irrigation, farm-to-market roads, yes.

“To help the farmer get on his feet, we gave him the technology that has made him produce more, and the extension workers who have helped him understand the new technology.”

Ah! Always, you need extension workers in agriculture. Unfortunately, we do not practice Extension! Sadly, after FM, President Cory Aquinoabolished the Bureau of Agricultural Extension (BAEx) and replaced it with the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI)! Dumb move from some dumb advice.

So, today before and after Training, no Extension – Cory Aquino’s legacy to PH Agriculture. BBM Sir, please bring us back BAEx!

Moreover, BBM Sir, please execute a credit-driven program “Masagana 300” – to show that The Son Also Rises? Yes Sir, Mr Dar will assure us we can treble the yield of rice and/or the farmer’s income!@517

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