03 June 2022

Hybrid Rice Companies, Why Don’t You Sell Your Seeds By Packaging Them With Organic Farming – For Farmers To Save More Money & For All To Help Save The Earth!?

Hybrid Rice came dramatically to my hometown, Asingan, Pangasinan on 20 March 2019 with the opening of PH’s “8th National Rice Technology Forum (NRTF).” This was one welcome sunrise!

Above, what you’re looking at is my rising sun image taken 06:11 AM of March 2019 with the “Welcome to Asingan, Pangasinan” sign at the border of Asingan and Urdaneta City. The companies that participated in the NRTF included Advanta, Bayer, BioRice, Corteva, and Longpin (I didn’t get the name of the others.)

That gives me an idea, if 3 years late, about those hybrid rice companies commercializing their wonder seeds and at the same time commercializing the “Save The Earth” concept – by selling organic farming. That would be shooting one thousand birds with one stone!

As a volunteer promoter of PH Agriculture, I am thinking of proclaiming the wonders of HR along with the wonders of regenerative organic agriculture. Your hybrid rice helping the farmers bring about 2 victories: (1) win over their own poverty and (2) help defeat climate change!
(image of cracked ground from World Economic Forum, weforum.org)

I am speaking as the forward-looking originator and promoter of Communication for Village Development in the 21stCentury (CoViD21) – which revises my 1981 idea of ComDev.

I am a UP Los Baños graduate, BSA major in Ag Edu – an agriculturist and a teacher. My grade is nothing to sneeze at despite several 5’s: 2.36 Weighted Average. And I have been blogging in Agriculture in the last 22 years with something like 9 million words all written in proper essay form.

I hereby propose that hybrid rice can be more profitably propagated among the 10 million Filipino rice farmers if it is associated with organic farming, which is regenerative 4 times:

(1) regenerates the natural richness of the soil;
(2) regenerates the crop of its natural goodness – from natural elements in the organic matter come the healthy nutrients in the food we eat;
(3) regenerates our bodies as we consume the healthy foods;
(4) helps Earth regenerate itself as it contributes zero to greenhouse gases that produce climate change.

This is the miracle we have been waiting for!

Luisa Maria Jacinta C Jocson is positive about HR, saying: “Hybrid Rice Touted As Higher Yielding Despite Expense” (07 Feb 2022, BusinessWorld, businessworld.com). Yet, she says, as of 15 Jan, hundreds of thousands of hectares of farms remained uninterested in hybrid rice, 614,619 ha as against a total of 1.52,000,000 ha, or only 40%.

I declare: Hybrid rice companies could sell much, much more if they packaged agricultural scientific information along with agribusiness tips – in popular language – with their wonder seeds.  

I mean, they need a copywriter who is also conversant with the technology. As a UP Los Baños graduate who has been blogging in the last 22 years about agriculture:

I am volunteering to copy-produce 3 hybrid rice-organic agriculture brochures forfree! First come, first served. PM me for email.@517

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