04 June 2022

Organic Agriculture, The Unheralded Savior Of The Earth From Catastrophic Climate Change – “What We Save Saves Us”

To help spark the pro-natural climate movement, I have just come up with a formula patterned after the famous E = mc2 of science genius German Albert Einstein:

-E = mc2
-E is Negative Eden
m is Mess created by greenhouse gases (GHGs)
c2 is Climate Change.


+E = mc2
+E is Positive Eden
m is More created by organic materials
c2 is Citizen Change.

Today, I am more convinced that organic agriculture (OA) is the Savior of the Earth – “What We Save Saves Us” (top image from sophiebenson.com, lower image from YouTube.com) – OA being the single movement on earth that can stop GHGs from farmers’ fields.

All that I singularly believe.

Sophie Benson of the United Kingdom says, above, “What we save, Saves Us.” If we save Mother Nature even as we “explore and exploit her” – we save ourselves from the dark & dangerous consequences of climate change.

In LinkedIn, Ms Sophie says, “I'm a freelance journalist working with a focus on sustainable fashion, the environment, workers' rights, and consumerism.” She is not talking about climate change, or what can be done to save us from ourselves. Ms Sophie’s “Sustainable development” is notautomatically pro-environment, while “Regenerative development” is definitely pro-organic, even more so demands that the richness of the soil be returned so that it can grow naturally healthy foods for our naturally healthy bodies. Sustainable development supports chemical agriculture – regenerative development supports organic agriculture.

Now then, I Filipino journalist have adopted OA as some sort of a battle cry; I say,

“Go picnic, it’s organic!”

Which is my revised cry from “Don’t panic, it’s organic!” I want to be as positive as often as I can, even in my writings.

Organic farming is not something that I know the hybrid rice companies have adopted as their area of concern, which is a  pity, as this copywriter in me sees it. (I worked under the tutelage of Nonoy Gallardo who was Creative Director of Pacifica Publicity Bureau. Pacifica was owned and run by Tony Zorilla, a well-respected creative mind.)

So, I have been looking at the products of the companies that demonstrated the actual performances of their respective hybrid rice (HR) in the “8th National Rice Technical Forum” (NRTF) held in my hometown Asingan, Pangasinan on 24 Jan 2019, with previous techno-demo plantings at the common boundary of Asingan-Urdaneta City. The companies that participated that I have on my list are: Advanta, Bayer, BioRice, Corteva, and Longpin.

Since much higher yields are the basic promise of each company’s hybrid rice (HR), I am interested in 3 advocacies:

(1)   Promote HR

(2)   Promote business-mindedness among rice farmers

(3)   Promote organic agriculture as weapon against climate change.

I have not seen any advertisement or press release from any of the HR companies in the Philippines advocating any organic fertilizer.

The global goal of the New Eden is zero GHGs of any kind – now you have a better idea why I titled my blog “Towards A New Eden.”@517

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