15 June 2022

Why Not “Masagana 300” & P20/kg Rice Under President BBM?! Under His Father, President Ferdinand “FM” Marcos’ “Masagana 99” Miracle Rice Program, We Enjoyed Miracle Rice!

Today, Tuesday, 14 June 2022 in Manila, I am most sorrowful to read, via a Facebook link, “Seven Deadly Sins” by Inquirer.net columnist Cielito F Habito, former Director General of the National Economic & Development Authority (NEDA). It’s Negative. The “NEDA Nega Effect” is unintended, I am sure – but Mr Habito’s 670-word column (excluding author) has the effect of saying, “William Dar must be replaced as Secretary of Agriculture!” I’m Positive, I forgive him!

I sympathize with Mr Habito with this negative outlook! Me, I always try to see the positive in any situation, problematic or not. That explains why I am very creative, as you can see in this blog alone – “Towards A New Eden” (blogspot.com) – I have been blogging every single day in the last 2 years! At 81+ that’s God’s blessings!

Pertinently, I must point out & explain I am the self-proclaimed “Father of Communication for Village Development in the 21st Century (CoViD21).” What do I communicate? Essentially Regenerative Development.

Consequently, to enrich Filipino farmers, I am advising that the Department of Agriculture (DA) come up with a new national program to be called “Masagana 300” – both a copy and a challenge to President Ferdinand “FM” Marcos’ own “Masagana 99.” The above photograph shows FM (white, standing) with American President Lyndon Johnson (black, squatting) visiting a Miracle Rice field (image from Esquire PH, esquiremag.ph).

Masagana 300 – Bountiful 300 – 300 cavans/ha of rice planted.

With prolific hybrid rice and excellent management of soils and fertilizers, all the regional offices of the DA assisting – Masagana 300 is a go!

With financial assistances to farmers in clusters and cooperatives worked out via the attached DA agency Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC), and with ACPC encouraging public & private banks to actively and amiably contribute to help build agribusinesses, plural, Masagana 300 should be a resounding success.

If you ask me, personally I am confident current Secretary Dar will deliver the goods good as gold! After all, he is an Ilocano, and we Ilocanos are known for dedication and hard work.

Additionally, I propose that Masagana 300 deviate from Masagana 99 by engaging in the growing not only of rice but a variety of vegetables, suited to the town where the farms are located.

Considering export bans, I enthusiastically advice the conduct of organic agriculture (OA) versus chemical agriculture (CA) for Masagana 300. OA is at least 4 times advantageous over CA, since organic methods:

(1)   Regenerate soils and enrich them simultaneously as they grow the crops. Chemical fertilizers grow crops and leave soils impoverished without them.

(2)   Grow healthy foods – no chemical residues in them.

(3)   Reduce cost of production unbelievably. (My original organic method costs almost zero!)

(4)   Combat climate change. Chemical fertilizers produce greenhouse gases that generate those destructive typhoons. Away with chemical fertilizers!

Now then, Masagana 300 will fight for Filipino farmers 4 times in a major manner. Filipinos will be the Regenerative Development Winners of the World!@517

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