12 July 2022

International Excellence: When Awarding Individuals & Institutions, Why Not Those Fighting For Regenerative Agriculture Fighting Farmer Poverty Simultaneously With Climate Change!?

If you are looking to reward “International Excellence,” you have to be a role model yourself. I am reading the Facebook post of the International Excellence Awards 2022, and the presentation itself is not excellent.

(image from Facebook 10 July 2022)

On its website, on a huge image, it spells itself “International Excellence Award” (singular) and not “International Excellence Awards” (plural), which is correct (International Excellence Awards, iexcellenceawards.com). Remember, ladies & gentlemen, “Little things mean a lot” – from the popular song by Edith Lindeman (Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org). Here you are showing lack of attention to details!

Welcome to the website of the International Excellence [Awards] 2022. The conference is organized by the International Centre of Excellence in Education and SPACE. [The] International Excellence {Awards] is here to recognize and appreciate the efforts of leaders and [achievers] in their respective fields. It aims to recognize and acknowledge individual professionals, educational institutions, upcoming leaders, and entrepreneurs for their contributions and pioneering initiatives taken in their respective fields.

What are these fields? These are in your list:

Climate Change
Pollution, Environmental Degradation, and Sustainable Development
Gender Issues
Children’s Issues
Problems of Youth
Violence and Terrorism
Peace and Security
Health and [Well-Being]
Lack of Education
Poverty, Malnourishment, Hunger, and Food Security
Substance Abuse
Clean Water
Penetration of the Technology in Everyday Life
21st Century Skills.

Why not “Agriculture” separately and not simply “Food Security” listed in a group? I do believe what the global company BASF keeps on announcing to the world: “Farming is the biggest job on earth.” So, ladies & gentlemen of the International Excellence Awards 2022, why are you ignoring the #1 work on this globe of ours?!

Nonetheless, people of the Excellence Awards 2022, I am glad you have identified the “21st Century Skills” as follows:

Critical thinking
Information literacy
Media literacy
Technology literacy
Social skills
Values Inculcation

I’m glad you listed “Critical thinking” and “Creativity” first! Thinking must always be first.

After all those considerations, I was thinking of my own campaign for Regenerative Agriculture (RA) via blogging, hence my 3-year old blog titled “Towards A New Eden” (towardsaneweden.blogspot.com). As the Father of Regenerative Agriculture in the Philippines, in my digital campaign for RA, I see a minimum of twin goals: (1) fight farmer poverty and (2) fight climate change. David vs Goliath!

RA is to me the biggest job in the world and that explains my relentless efforts in what I refer to as communication for village development in the 21st century (CoViD21) –

I blog every single day!

Why did not the International Excellence Awards include, perfect for CoViD21, Regenerative Agriculture as a principal subject, and bloggingas a medium to display thinking skills – critical and creative?

In any case, I am thinking of writing a paper on RA to submit to the Excellence Awards 2022; at the very least, my paper hopefully will be included in a book to be published by the body.@517

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