01 August 2022

Yes, I Agree “Tackling Climate Change Can’t Wait” As Seen By Nestlé – And finally, UP Los Baños Is Doing Something About It!

Ingeniousness of the youth is what is being sought for by Nestlé from students of Agribusiness Management & Entrepreneurship of UP Los Baños in generating inventive solutions to eliminate greenhouse gases (GHGs) and thereby resolve climate change. Net Zero GHGs is everybody’s business.

On Facebook, the short video presentation says, right at the start:

Tackling Climate Change Can’t Wait.
And neither can we.
Our global ambition is to reach Net Zero by 2050.
We are a force FOR GOOD in the Philippines.
(climate eye image from frontiersin.org)

Finally, my alma mater UPLB is paying attention to climate change!

Our global ambition is to reach Net Zero by 2050.
Accelerating our efforts
to mitigate climate change.
Plant MILLIONS OF TREES every year.
We are innovating and developing technologies
TO MAKE OUR PACKAGING recyclable and reusable by 2025.

We are educating consumers and promoting the right behavior towards
For our children & our future generations.

Together, let us build

The University of the Philippines Los Baños is involved. ABME 10 students are involved. Start-up concepts geared towards achieving net zero carbon emission are involved.

Teams with the best ideas will be selected.
Mentorship program with industry experts.
One team will be named The Nestlé Net Zero IdeaNation Winner!

Very necessary. Very complicated!

Net Zero IdeaNation: UPLB and Nestlé PH partner to generate sustainable solutions from the youth.

From Snaps and Ganaps(snapsandganaps.com):

The Net Zero IdeaNation MOA signing was held recently with UPLB Chancellor Jose V Camacho, Associate Dean of College of Economics & Management Arlene Gutierrez, and Chair of Department of Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship Mar Cruz, together with Nestlé Philippines Senior Vice President & Head of Public Affairs, Communications & Sustainability Arlene Tan-Bantoto, and Assistant Vice President for Sustainability & Public Affairs Christine Garcia.

Stronger typhoons and rising threats to biodiversity and food security are just some of the impacts of climate change that have become more evident in the Philippines over the years. Therefore, tackling climate change cannot wait and urgent action is needed across all sectors of society.

As a Kasambuhay ng Kalikasan, Nestlé Philippines is taking a leading role in tackling climate change in the country. Guided by Nestlé’s global ambition and roadmap of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, it is committed to source responsibly, transform its operations, and help shape a (zero) waste-future.

My 100% scholarly congratulations, Nestlé!

Now, in case you were looking for another & much simpler idea, here is this senior’s suggestion for a junior’s study under IdeaNation:
Adopt a village and turn all farms & gardens organic 100%.
Collect data & information for 12 months.

Automatically, the emission of GHGs is zero! No chemical fertilizers, no chemical pesticides – no GHGs. Would not that village become a modern little Garden of Eden? All fruits & vegetables 100% healthy for eating; all the air 100% healthy for breathing.

That would be Net Zero Tomorrow. Way to go, UP Los Baños!@517

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