12 September 2022

“Leocadio Sebastian Is A Good Man – Why Do You Tie A Good Man Down?” – Asking For A Friend!” – Frank A Hilario

For all the bad things people have said of Leocadio “Leo” Sebastian, resigned Undersecretary for Operations of the Philippine Department of Agriculture (DA), I am not mad, just sad; those people are the ones guilty – of judging without evidence at hand.

Very much interested in Leo’s leadership for further agricultural development of my country, and an alumnus of UP Los Baños myself, I would like to be counted as a supporter of Leo as an honorable man. Here’s my short list on Leo:

Leocadio Sotor Sebastian
BS Agriculture and MS Genetics, UP Los Baños
PhD Plant Breeding & Genetics, Cornell University

Executive Director, PhilRice
Regional Director for Asia Pacific, Bioversity International

Ten Outstanding Young Men (TOYM)
PCAARRD Award for Research Management (Pantas)
JICA Presidential Award,
“Medal for Contribution to the Cause of Agriculture and Rural Development” (Vietnam)
awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam on 26 Nov 2019, when Mr Sebastian was regional program leader of the CGIAR Research Program for Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in Southeast Asia.

While not a worthy member of the Coalition for Agriculture Modernization in the Philippines(CAMP), I support 100% what it says on Facebook (16 Aug 2022):

Appeal For The Retention Of Dr Leo Sebastian As Undersecretary Of Agriculture

The Coalition for Agriculture Modernization of the Philippines joins many voices from the community of agriculture scientists, farmers, and advocates of agriculture modernization in calling for the retention of Dr Leo Sebastian as Undersecretary of Agriculture. [CAMP believes] his action at the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) is within his delegated authority and it is justified by information about sugar supply and the condition of the sugar industry.

He joined the Department of Agriculture (DA) about one year ago with an outstanding record as an individual with competence and integrity, and a leader in agricultural development. His distinguished career in public service in PhilRice rising from the ranks to become the second Executive Director,  was punctuated with recognitions such as Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines, Outstanding Young Scientist, and Pantas Award.

Dr Sebastian also has an exceptional record in international agricultural development, having served in the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) centers for many years. He was awarded the prestigious “Medal for Contribution to the Cause of Agriculture and Rural Development” from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam (MARD), the highest possible honor from the ministry…

In his short stint with the DA, he supported the Secretary in crafting progressive policies and programs, efficiently and without fanfare. He has been very thorough in studying problems, consulting stakeholders and experts when required. Throughout this period, he was never implicated in any wrongdoing.

We believe he can do more to serve the country if given the chance to continue as Undersecretary of Agriculture.

Leo Sebastian has done his country proud 100%. My question: “Why do you tie a good man down?” Asking for a friend!@517

(Yoda from memegenerator.net)

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