31 October 2022

Masaganang Sakahang Kabalikat Rotavator (MSK Rotavator) – “My Dream Rotavator Remains A Dream” – Frank A Hilario

None Of The Above: The “Masaganang Sakahang Kabalikat Rotavator” (“MSK Rotavator”) is my proposed physical and richly rewarding image. Rotavator examples shown above, I am dedicating this intellectual effort to “The Farmers Who Need To Rise From Poverty To Prosperity.”
{Images: “Kuliglig” from youtube.com, “Kubota” from facebook.com)

The name is in honor of Father Ciriaco “Acong” Sevilla Jr, who was the trailblazer of the Roman Catholic movement called “Munting Sambayanang Kristiyano” (MSK) . Each MSK is a small community of Catholic parishioners cultivating their love of God and of fellowmen. I wrote a tribute to Father Acong years ago, in 2013L “Remembering Fr Acong. Hero For The Church Of The Poor” (Frank A Hilario, blogspot.com). His heroism comprised building an incredible 400+ MSKs in the Gumaca Diocese from 1980 to 2007! (Me, I want to be a hero for the poor farmers.)

I wrote the other Sunday, “Lessons Learned From Roman Catholic “Father Acong” About Successfully Building Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) With Enduring Love” (23 Oct 2022, Frank And Healthy Minds, blogspot.com). This time, I'm thinking of a farm equipment that will help the poor farmers become financially successful in growing any crop because it will not require so much investment – and I imagine that each MSK of Father Acong can share just a single rotavator.

[I have repeatedly been writing about my dream rotavator in past years; check out for instance my essay “Esmeralda Farms? Looks Like Garden Of Eden To Me” (31 March 2014, Nagkaisa, blogspot.com).]

The MSK Rotavator I am thinking of is meant to be the only equipment a farmer will need to cultivate his farm. The mechanical effects of an operation of the MSK Rotavator (no, not just any rotavator, mind you) are as follows, as it:

(1)    Automatically creates an organic mulch out of the weeds (and crop refuse if any) and the soil that it cuts to pieces and mixes together;

(2)    Automatically distributes that organic mulch all over the field even as it continues to create the same weeds-soil mix.

One MSK rotavation is enough cultivation of the field; there is no additional cultivation with any other farm equipment necessary – no harrowing and no levelling needed; and no manual distribution of organic mulch either. What a joy!

Since the MSK Rotavator creates an organic mulch, which is the beginning of a rich organic fertilizer, there is no need for the farmer to buy and apply any chemical (inorganic) fertilizer or any other organic fertilizer in the market or his own concoction – that organic mulch is rich enough. That means the farmer saves thousands of pesos forfertilizers!

With that organic mulch turning into organic fertilizer, any crops grown will be healthy and not be attacked by pests. That saves the farmer expenses for buying chemical pesticides – and prevent exposing himself to pesticide physical ill-effects.

My dream rotavator remains a dream. Anybody wants to finance this project to make that dream come true to raise the farmers from Poverty to Prosperity? Asking as a friend!@517

28 October 2022

Regenerative BBM

Aside from solving the problem of delivering on his promise of a P20/kg rice for PH consumers in the Philippines as according to my advice in my earlier essay, BBM can regenerate the damaged heart of PH Agriculture by focusing on organic farming – smartly with my proposed reinvention of the rotavator.

(“Bongbong” from twitter.com, “Heart” from futurity.org)

Wednesday, 27 Oct 2022, I blogged, “How Farmers Can Grow Miracle Rice II, Vendors Sell At P20/kg And Make Millions Filipinos Healthier & Farmers Happier!” (Frank And Healthy Minds, blogspot.com). There, I mentioned Organic Agriculture (OA) as the simple/not-so-simple triggering solution to BBM’s problem of producing P20/kg rice for consumers.

As well I mentioned that the rotavator needs to be redesigned so that it automatically works for the farmer towardsOA – the reinvented rotavator will automatically create and distribute evenly on any field full of weeds an automatic plant-soil-mix mulch. As it deserves, I call it WEALThWeeds-Enriched Automatic Layer of Trash Triggering Terrestrial Health – your organic mulch or trash, which is what the rotavator will roboticallyproduce with my new accurate & intelligent (new AI) mechanical adjustments. I call the reinvented rotavator the TRASHMaker.

To produce the TRASHMaker for the millions of Filipino farmers, I would need P5 million as total expenses – I know BBM can easily produce that much from government finances if he wants to.

We have to make all those ricelands fertile – and we can, naturally! And in doing that, we make all those farmers filthy rich. Here’s how:

“Baro a Banag a Mangpayaman ti Mannalon”(BBMm).
Literally speaking – “A new something to enrich the farmer.”

From BBMm, I am requesting a budget of P5 million, to be distributed as follows:

Reinventing the Rotavator: P2 million to reengineer the rotavator with features that allow it to be operated by anyone, experienced or inexperienced farmer, so that the rotavator will mechanically/automatically produce WEALTh.

Website: P2 million for building a website on Regenerative Agriculture (RA).

Book/handouts: P1 million for producing a book, including handouts or downloadables, about Regenerative Agriculture and all of the above.

What are my credentials for proposing to employ the American concept of “Regenerative Agriculture” in general and my Filipino/Ilocano “TRASHMaker” in particular so that Philippine agriculture becomes regenerative?

I am a full-blooded Ilocano (FBI), born in Asingan, Pangasinan, with all its farms along the roads coming/going from/to Urdaneta City, Binalonan, San Manuel, Tayug, and Villasis. This FBI is a poor man’s son – yet, I thank God I was born at all!

Yes, Asingan, Pangasinan – the town of President Fidel Valdez Ramos (FVR) and his daughter Senator Leticia Ramos-Shahani– and Hermogenes Esperon, FVR’s Chief of Staff. Proud Asinganian!

I remember enjoying visits to our farm with my father, “Lakay Disiong” (Dionisio Resulto Hilario). We had a “bangkag” (dryland farm) across the Chico River from our village Sanchez. Lakay Disiong and “Inang Satur” (Sixta Agapito-Hilario) sent my brother Emilio, me and sister Brillita from Elementary Grades up to College with incomes from rice farming in the farm lots and vegetable growing in the bangkag.

So, BBM Sir, let us regenerate the whole Philippine Agriculture!@517


27 October 2022

How Farmers Can Grow Miracle Rice II, Vendors Sell At P20/kg And Make Millions Filipinos Healthier & Farmers Happier!

"How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?” was one of the songs featured in the 1959 Rodgers & Hammerstein musical, “The Sound Of Music.” When Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr was running for President, he promised a P20/kg rice. So, how do you solve a problem like a “P20/kg rice?”

(BBM with farmers from northluzon.politics.com.ph, prices from reuters.com)

Here comes columnist Segundo Eclar Romero who puts ““Two Questions For Marcos Jr” (25 Oct 2022, Inquirer,inqm.news):

Responding to gentle suggestions that he should appoint a full-time Agriculture Secretary, President Marcos Jr is adamant that he will hold on to the position, saying he is “still needed there.” … The problems in the agriculture sector are “so difficult that it will take a president to change and turn it around.”

“The problems in the agriculture sector are ‘so difficult that it will take a President to change and turn it around.” Yes! That is, if you don’t have a roadmap leading to P20/kg rice!

The President says that he will appoint a full-time Secretary when he has properly institutionalized the functions of the Department of Agriculture (DA) and he has completed the necessary structural changes.

For me an agriculturist (UP Los Baños ’65, 2.36 WA), I do not see the need for BBM to institutionalize the functions of the DA before  he comes up with a convincing Roadmap. Aha! says (aha.io):

A roadmap is a visualization of a strategic plan. … You need a bold vision for what you want to achieve and a solid plan for how you will turn your aspirations into reality.

Mr Romero says:

The President has been Agriculture Secretary for almost four months. In that period, there have been some revealing tests of his caliber as a leader and manager of the agricultural sector. His boast during the elections that he will bring down the price of rice to P20 per kilo is now out of reach.

P20/kg rice is now “out of reach” – Not if you ask me! How do you solve a problem like a P20/kg rice? My answer – you don’t! First, change the question:

Instead ask, “How do you solve a problem like Farmer Poverty?”

My mathematical solution is to change all the givens: junk expensive chemical fertilizers, expensive chemical pesticides… etc.

Now then, the total cost of growing rice can be brought down to at least 57% of today’s total cost using fertilizers and pesticides. How? Instead of Chemical Agriculture (CA), our farmers practice Organic Agriculture (OA) so that the Total Cost of CA goes down to Zero –Net Savings go up to Returns! And rice becomes organic, healthier!

Yes, farmers can prepare their own organic fertilizers. (Ask me how the rotavator can be used to cultivate, create & circulate an organic mulch all over the field – a miracle!)

Farmers can then sell their rice at P15/kg farmgate and vendors can sell at P20/kg in markets. So, “How do you solve a problem like P20/kg?” is music to my ears!@517

25 October 2022

Why Do I Write, Nay Love To Write In English, When I Am A Full-Blooded Ilocano And Living In The Philippines?

Recently, on Facebook the title of Eric North’s BS thesis (Bachelor of Linguistics, 2013, Cornerstone University in Michigan) caught my attention: “Philippine English, Linguistic Imperialism and English Language Teaching.” A Filipino writer in English, certainly I disagree with “linguistic imperialism” as applied on both sides of the fence.

“Words have power” indeed, but you have to form them from somewhere to become a message. My wide & wild & wizened googling convinced me 25 years ago – I’m 82, thank God! – English is the most powerful language in the world, has the most knowledge. I say: “English is power!”
(“Words” from dreamstime.com, “Knowledge” from quotesgram.com)

I have been a writer mostly in the manner of the American Reader’s Digest, unusually & actively communicating starting 1975 when I began founding & becoming the Editor In Chief of the 3 major publications of the Forest Research Institute (FORI) – monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly color magazine Habitatthat I patterned after the American National Geographic. American Boy!

In one issue of Habitat, I wrote my new theory that I called “Communication for Development(ComDev).” And certainly, forester Filiberto S Pollisco, Director of FORI, applauded my ComDev products. Of this and more, I have written earlier (22 April 2018, GAIA con GAIA, blogspot.com):

With Dr Pollisco at the top and I below, we were setting the pace and tone of communication for the development of Philippine forests and forestry.

American English! On 24 Nov 2021, I regenerated “ComDev” into “CoViD21” – acronym for Communication for Village Development in the 21st Century – emphasizing “village development” (26 Nov 2021, “Regenerative Thinking… Regenerative Agriculture In The Philippines,” Frank And Healthy Minds, blogspot.com). Where else did I catch the concept of “Regenerative” except in English?

Since 2000 when I started blogging (self-taught, I must emphasize), I have uploaded at least 8 million words in my numerous blogs, all in American English (excluding Americanisms) – have I been displaying American linguistic imperialism in my writing as Mr North alleges?

Mr North quotes Mary Bresnahan from “English In The Philippines” (Journal of Communication, 1979):

… colonizing a people who wanted independence presented a situation which was philosophically inconsistent with democratic ideals. In rousing public support, they (American public policy makers) attempted to justify their actions by emphasizing the enlightenment the US presence could bring to the Philippines.

Mr North says, “The very notion of enlightenment described here indicates a perceived status of superiority.” I say, of course!

He further says:

Granted, one could certainly say that English has unlocked Philippine involvement in international politics, business, and economics in a very practical way. However, the most positive outcomes of English in the Philippines have always been a result of Filipinos’ practical resourcefulness and appropriation of the English, not the philosophical enlightenment of the Islands through the language.

Mr North, no stopping: We Filipinos wish to be enlightened! And it is not the English language per se that has enlightened us Filipinos – it has been Filipino intelligence!@517

24 October 2022

What UP Needs Most Is A Vision Of Loveliness – Time To Get Rid Of That Vision Of Barren Manliness!

No ladies included, I don’t know why; 6 gentlemen are competing to be the next UP President: Patrick Alain T Azanza, Salvador B Belaro Jr, Angelo A Jimenez, Fidel R Nemenzo, Benito M Pacheco, and Fernando C Sanchez Jr. A UP alumnus, I care less who they are – I care most about what each as UP leader can present as Vision & Mission.

They are Catanduanes State University President Patrick Alain Azanza, former 1-Edukasyon Party-List Representative Salvador Belaro Jr, former Faculty Regent Angelo Jimenez, current UP Diliman Chancellor Fidel Nemenzo, former UP Diliman Vice Chancellor For Research And Development Benito Pacheco. and former UP Los Baños Chancellor Fernando Sanchez Jr.

My goggling says:

Mr Azanza is “considered an expert in ICT-based education and ISO-certified learning environment” (facebook.com).
Mr Belaro “studied PhD in Educational Leadership Management at UP College of Education” (facebook.com).
Mr Jimenez is a lawyer (asiapacificbasin.org).
Mr Nemenzo, current UP Diliman Chancellor, is a mathematician (en.wikipedia.org).
Mr Pacheco lists “Disaster Risk Management” as first in his list of expertise (scholar.google.com.ph).
Mr Sanchez is a former UP Los Baños Chancellor, a landscape horticulturist and planner (uplb.edu.ph).

Azanza in ICT-based education, Belaro in Educational Leadership Management, Jimenez in Labor, Nemenzo in Mathematics, Pacheco in Disaster Risk Management, and Sanchez in Landscaping. Which one should be the next UP President?

I have already written about emancipating UP from the Oblation; check out my essay, “’Creative Freedom’ – UP, Time To Replace Your Symbol Of Academic Freedom!” (Frank And Healthy Minds, blogspot.com), where I said in big, bold  letters:

It occurred to me today, Sunday, 16 Oct 2022, that changing the symbol of the University of the Philippines System (UP) is long overdue – because the Oblation… has everinspired disapproval, even radicalism, and never creativity!

Why not “Marya”? Today, Sunday, 23 Oct 2022, I say now “Marya” – by artist Maria Pureza Escaño – should be UP’s symbol,  as it inspires imagination andidealism.

Not one of the UP Presidential candidates has stated his Vision & Mission for the University. About those subjects, here is what Don Hofstrand of Iowa State University says (Aug 2016, “Vision And Mission Statements – A Roadmap Of Where You Want To Go And How To Get There,” Business Development, extension.iastate.edu):

Remember, the vision is what you want to accomplish. Mission is a general statement of how you will achieve your vision. Strategies are a series of ways of using the mission to achieve the vision. Goals are statements of what needs to be accomplished to implement the strategy.

All things considered, with what I have found out above and what I know now, if you ask me today, my vote would go to Mr Sanchez, who is a landscape horticulturist & planner.

As you can see with “Marya,” intelligent artists encourage other people’s creative endeavors more than their critical thinking – a perfect fit for perpetual anti-this and anti-that UP System!

UP could adopt “Marya” with the title “Ovation” to signify “prolonged applause” as well as “fertility.” No moreOblation”!@517

23 October 2022

Lessons Learned From Roman Catholic “Father Acong” About Successfully Building Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) With Enduring Love

I have been reading & rereading the book “Father Ciriaco Alberto Sevilla, Jr – MSK Trailblazer” (242 pages, published 2010 in Lucena City, edited by Milwida S Reyes). A 12-year-old book – is the content still relevant to come up with a new version? My answer is, “Yes!”

Personally, I want the book to highlight the love for the poor parishioners that Father Acong showed, as he had single-mindedly created 400+ Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) in the far-flung villages of Quezon Province before he died Oct 2007. If that is not love for the poor, I don’t know what love is!

About the BECs, Msgr Lope C Robredillo, VG, says [“An Overview Of The Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs), From The Other Side Of History, msgrlope.blogspot.com]:

The Second Plenary Council of the Philippines devotes two paragraphs to describe the BECs… “They are small communities of Christians, usually of families who gather together around the Word of God and the Eucharist.”

As Roman Catholic, an editor and with training in selling goods as well as ideas, I want to repackage the book so that the chapter titles reflect the lessons learned in building those 400+ BECs – so that other missionaries can emulate the outstanding example of Father Acong. (With a new book title, to wit.)

You notice that I use the title “Father Acong” instead of the preferred “Father Sevilla” by the editor of the book, who is his blood relative (sister). “Father Sevilla” is too formal, and you do not want to be stiff; you cannot be formal with the village people if you want them to feel closer to you and listen to your words coming from High Above.

Some lessons from that Father Acong book (with my translation):

“Magtungo kayo sa mga tao. Makipamuhay sa kanilang piling. Matuto sa kanilang karanasan. Ang mayroon sila ay gamitin.” (“Go to the people. Live with them. Learn from their experiences. Use what they have.”)

“Si Father Acong ay isang pari na ang buong kaisipan ay buhos sa pagmimisyon.” (“Father Acong was a priest whose thoughts were fully on his mission.”)

“Ang malimit na bilin at turo niya ay magsinop, magrosaryo, magtipid, at laging umasa sa Diyos.” (“His frequent advice was to take care, say the Rosary, save money, and always hope on God.”)

“Una, ang kanyang kabanalan bilang isang pari ni Kristo. Ikalawa, ang kasipagan ni Monsignor.” (“First, his piety as a priest of Christ. Second, the industriousness of Monsignor.”)

“Ang mga prayer leaders ay may pagsasanay buwan-buwan.” (With him, prayer leaders had trainings every month.”)

The following is praise from Bishop Teodoro C Bacani Jr: “Hindi makasarili at walang kapaguran.” (“Not selfish and was tireless.”)

Word On The Streets says, “Today’s challenge is to be a church of the poor – for if we are not, how can genuinely call ourselves a church for the poor?” (wordonthestreets.net)

“Church” is “people,” not “building.” Now therefore, we have to learn from one of the best church teachers in our world: Father Acong  faithful to the end!@517

22 October 2022

Engaged, Will The World’s Youth Save Us From Climate Change Via Food? Hopefully, If They Will Effect A Primate Change In Themselves First!

“I know that youth action is key in transforming agri-food systems to feed the world” – former PH Secretary of Agriculture William Dar said in his keynote speech at the FAO World Food Forum last Tuesday in Rome, Italy.

I am reading Mr Dar’s speech, “Transforming Rice-Based Agri-food Systems,” delivered 18 Oct 2022 at the World Food Forum, which covered Youth Action, Science & Innovation, and Investment. That said, of all the speakers at the forum, why am I singling out Mr Dar? Because he is a Filipino primate like me, and he had been my favorite PH Secretary of Agriculture in the last 24 years since President Erapappointed him in 1998. He has excellent international exposure. With his Vision, Mission & Strategy, his 15-year Director General-ship of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) based in India brought ICRISAT from dead last to #1 among 15 CGIAR agencies, including IRRI. Unbelievable!

We adult primates having failed our world, the young primates will have to take over – and I expect a Groupmate Change all over the world. I say, “Action” would include looking at the world upside down!
(“Youth Action: World Forum” from youtube.com)

Mr Dar opened his Rome speech with these words:

Your Excellencies, distinguished leaders and ministers, friends and likeminded food security advocates, we hold this edition of the World Food Forum under the auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organization led by my good friend Director-General Qu Dongyu, at a time the world is wracked by three C’s: the Covid-19 pandemic, Climate Change, and Conflicts in the geopolitical order. We are in the midst of a perfect storm.

The C that I know more about is Climate Change, so I will write on that. What we need is Primate Change, of which I already advocated 15 years ago – see my essay, “Primate Change? Or Climate Change?” (31 March 2007, The American Frank, wordpress.com).

Mr Dar continues:

These three C’s shook the foundations of our food systems and loosened our bearings on key principles: the global trade in food, long-running agricultural practices dependent on chemical inputs, and logistical and distribution systems pushed off their working order.

I know that youth action is key in transforming agri-food systems to feed the world.

The youth will save us adults yet!

As yet, we are inching towards significant target achievement by 2030 in Sustainable Development Goal No 2, which is Zero Hunger. But we are also aiming for quality, nutritious food in achieving this goal.

The general discomfort and detected challenges with which we now appraise our food systems now portend our approach to science and innovation.

Beyond Zero Hunger, Mr Dar is saying, we need to produce healthy foods.

Personally, I say, young people in/out of science, we can produce healthy foods by following the precepts, principles & practices of Regenerative Agriculture (RA), the concept invented by Robert Rodale in early 1980s (en.wikipedia.org). Time to study RA to regenerate us all!@517

21 October 2022

Why Filipina Lorie Pablo Daquioag’s Happy Concoction Is The New Salt Of The Earth – In Mindanao, The Filipinas Are Reinventing Organic Farming!

This is excellent news – Women in the Philippines are now reinventing organic farming! So says Jun N Aguirre in his latest article, “How Tulunan Women Are Reinventing Organic Farming” (10 Oct 2022, Daily Tribune, tribune.net.ph). No, the women are not from my Luzon – Tulunan is in their Mindanao. (Mr Aguirre is from the Visayas.)

As I see it, “Reinventing” here means “making it easy & rewarding to do everyone would want to do it.”

What exactly are Tulunan women doing to reinvent organic farming? They are converting food waste into organic fertilizer in just 3 days – instead of 3 weeks!

They are using the Compost Activator Solution (CAS) concocted by Lorie Pablo Daquioag, a satellite engineer, native of Tubungan, Iloilo. The activator comes in a planting kit that includes 1,000 mL of CAS, an up-cycled 15L waste bucket, 3 packs of seeds, 10 pieces of planting pots, compost soil, and a 250-mL measuring cup. The complete planting kit is an innovation by itself, and a savior – you cannot say you have no farm or garden to grow any crop or vegetable.

Mr Aguirre’s report says:

Based on initial findings, the kit can help reduce biodegradable waste by 87 percent in six weeks. [Ms] Daquioag said crops undergoing the CAS treatment [produce foods that] turn out to be heavier and bigger, with more nutrients by as much as 32 percent.

Currently, every urban mom can spend at least a cost-efficient $79 a year using the W4G planting kit. [After which] they could have savings of as much as $200 a year from buying veggies and utilizing the 482 kilograms per year of bio-waste used for organic farming.

Waste not, want not!

According to Philippine waste volume data, in 2021 the country generated 56.12 million tons of biodegradable waste. Some 10.45 million tons [of those] came from urban households.

So! Today, Household Waste can be quietly & quickly turned into Household Wealth. I Filipino creative writer say Filipina Lorie Pablo Daquioag is the Modern Wonder Woman not only of her country, not only ofAsia, but the Whole Wide World. Promised Land!
(“Promised Land” from davidjeremiah.blog)

I now happily go back to Mr Aguirre’s introductory lines coming from the Philippine trio ASIN:

“Lapit, mga kaibigan at makinig kayo
Ako’y may dala-dalang balita galing sa bayan ko
Nais kong ipamahagi ang mga kwento
At mga pangyayaring nagaganap sa lupang ipinangako.”

My translation is this:

Come closer, all my friends and listen
I bring with me news from my town
The stories I wish to share with you now
And happenings in The Promised Land.

I can see it: “The Promised Land” that ASIN is singing about is here and now. “ASIN” (Pinoy for “salt”) is the popular Pinoy folk rock band of Mike Pillora Jr, Cesar Bañares, and Lolita Carbon. “ASIN” comes from the original band name “Salt Of The Earth” (song popularized by Joan Baez). Today I say, Ms Lorie’s concoction is today’s Salt of the Earth!@517

18 October 2022

World Food Day 16 Oct 2022 – FAO Says “Leave No Empty Stomachs” – What About Empty Pockets?

Sunday, 16 Oct 2022, is “World Food Day” and the theme is “Leave No One Behind.” The Food & Agriculture Organzation (FAO) of the United Nations says, “Millions of people around the world cannot afford a healthy diet” (FAO, fao.org). What is the problem? FAO says, “The problem is access and availability of nutritious food.”

Oh, I agriculturist from the University of the Philippines (UP) Los Baños believe in what the FAO is saying, 376 words in all, under the title “Leave NO ONE  Behind” – especially this part:

Governments, the private sector, academia, and civil society and individuals need to work together in solidarity to prioritize the right of all people to food, nutrition, peace and equality. Indeed, every one of us, including youth, can work towards an inclusive and sustainable future, showing greater empathy and kindness in our actions. 

To all that, I say, “Yes, ladies & gentlemen!”

Unfortunately, FAO does not mention at all the double-headed hydra called Chemical Agriculture (CA).

One hydra head spouts greenhouse gases (GHGs), the collection of which exacerbates Unhealthy Climates. Frontiers says agriculture contributes 21-37% of GHGs (frontiersin.org). In 2018, FAO reported 9.3 Billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

The other hydra head spouts unhealthy foods – Arising from unnatural nutrients from chemical fertilizers and the chemical residues of pesticides previously sprayed on crops against presumed enemies.

So, contrary to FAO, the problem is availability of nutritious food – there is zero availability! And there is unwanted “availability” of destructive climates.

What about farmer poverty? Chemical Agriculture is expensive!

That is the reason why in the last 22 years, I have been blogging about Organic Agriculture, that which has been expanded into Regenerative Agriculture (RA). (See my 28 Oct 2020 essay, “Regenerative Farming – Enriching The Soil Enriching The Farmers” in Frank And Healthy Minds, blogspot.com.)

“Regenerative Agriculture,” the concept originated/invented by American farmer/gardener Robert Rodale (rodaleinstitute.org) in the 1980s (USDA, nal.usda.gov), is the healthy choice – for healthy climates, healthy foods, and healthy pockets!

As an alumnus of UP Los Baños (BSA major in Ag Edu), I see as the major reason of farmer poverty the high cost of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. That is why Regenerative Agriculture is Heaven-sent to farmers – and I do not understand why the FAO does not mention it at all!

The FAO says:

Worldwide, more than 80 percent of the extreme poor live in rural areas and many rely on agriculture and natural resources for their living. They are usually the hardest hit by natural and man-made disasters and often marginalized due to their gender, ethnic origin, or status. It is a struggle for them to gain access to training, finance, innovation and technologies.

“More than 80% of the extreme poor live in rural areas and many rely on agriculture and natural resources for their living” – and that is why we must teach them Regenerative Agriculture. Now then, FAO, because you failed to mention Chemical Agriculture as the destructive two-headed hydra that it is, your voice is 50% Science and 50% Silence!@517

17 October 2022

“Creative Freedom” – UP, Time To Replace Your Symbol Of Academic Freedom!

It occurred to me today, Sunday, 16 October 2022, that changing the symbol of the
University of the Philippines System (UP) is long overdue – because the Oblation (smaller but sunnier image) has ever inspired disapproval, even radicalism, and never creativity! This is a creative person writing, self-taught in communication and in digital media – yes, I am a UP alumnus, 1965.

The bigger image is my photograph (taken 29 July 2016) of the fiberglass sculptural piece of Maria Pureza Escaño , which she titles “The Rose Of Marya: Service Through Excellence” (Maria Pureza Escaño, weebly.com). Commissioned by the Sigma Delta Sorority, “Marya” is now a landmark at the UP Los Baños Alumni Plaza. Ms Maria says of it:

Recently, Maria Pureza Escaño was handpicked by the University of the Philippines for her concept and rendition of "The Rose of Marya: Service through Excellence," an allegorical seven-foot fiber glass sculpture celebrating100 years of excellence and service to the community of the women of the University of the Philippines. Commissioned by the Alumni Association of the Sigma Delta Sorority, The Rose of Marya serves as the landmark of UP Los Baños’ Centennial Promenade and was unveiled in March 2012.

The creative sculptor describes “Marya” as a symbol of purity and service and excellence – I, a different kind of creative, now present “Marya” as a symbol of open, individual, wholly dedicated inventive person. And I now recommend that UP change its uncreative male symbol “Oblation” to the creative female symbol “Marya”!

Time for UP to change from “Academic Freedom” to “Creative Freedom” – this UP alumnus is declaring!

I see Oblation’s outstretched hands now as implying, “No, you got it all wrong!” In actual practice, the Oblation has always served as a symbolof negativism, no matter what the sculptor said about it, no matter what the UP President said when it was adopted as the symbol of UP.

Inspired by the “Oblation” symbol, UP officials, faculty and students have always been handily radical and hardly creative in their pronouncements, postures and protests. Of course, UP people are inspired – inspired to disagree and/or denounce and demonstrate against most anything that the government comes up with!

“Marya” is telling us: “Creative Freedom” does not negate “Academic Freedom” – but it makes sure that every idea is worth considering fully: with the body, mind and heart!

Personally, I don’t know Ms Maria Pureza Escaño but her “Marya” has just inspired me to “elevate” her to a higher pedestal – that of being UP’s institutional symbol. Everything is there: elan, energy, forwardness, freshness, imagination, inspiration, passion, positivity!

Don’t be surprised, Ms Maria. I am an alumnus of UP Los Baños, and UP’s 2011 “Outstanding Alumnus For Creative Writing” – historically the first and the one-and-only of UP.

I call the above composition of images “Creative Freedom Vs Academic Freedom” (Oblation image from Smithsonian, smithsonianmag.com).

“Academic Freedom” has always been used by UP more to oppose something, and less to propose something else more productive or more promising – Academic Freedom encourages negativity and discourages creativity in UP – Enough!@517

16 October 2022

“Magaling Si BBM Kasi Pumili Siya Ng Magaling Na Secretary Of Justice!” – Frank A Hilario, Full-Blooded Ilocano

“Magaling si BBM kasi pumili siya ng magaling na Secretary of Justice!” I say. (BBM is wise choosing a wise Secretary of Justice!) I say he knows what he is doing is right – “he” referring to either or both of them.

Sol Nolascoshares on Facebook (inset) PH Justice Sec Jesus Crispin Remulla’sdeclaration from the Daily Tribune about the drug case of his son Juanito Jose Remulla III:

Isang pagsubok lang Ito sa aking pamilya, sa aking sarili, at marahil, in so many ways, pagsubok sa ating bansa on how we handle a sensitive matter like this… I'm the head of the Justice Department, I will let justice take its course.

This is only one test for my family, for myself, and maybe, in so many ways, test for our country on how we handle a sensitive matter like this… I'm the head of the Justice Department, I will let justice take its course. (my translation)

Repeat: Juanito’s father is PH President BBM’s appointee as Secretary of Justice.

“I will let justice take its course” – Justice Secretary Remulla.

And that should be our exact attitude when it comes to President Ferdinand “BBM” Edralin Marcos Jr and family’s alleged crimes – we owe it to our country and to our families!

Let’s learn:

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Do not judge, so that you will not be judged” – Matthew 7:1 (New American Standard Bible).

“Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public” – Cornel West.

“The strictest judges are ignorant people” – Eraldo Banovac.

If you insist on judging people, you must be perfect, people!

Jairo Bolledosays, “Drug Complaint Vs Boying Remulla’s Son A Test [Of] Justice System – NUPL President,” 14 Oct 2022, Rappler, rappler.com), quoting National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers (NUPL) President Edre Olalia saying:

It is a litmus test on one, the integrity of the justice system, particularly the prosecutorial service, as well as the trust of the public and confidence on the integrity of the process. Most especially the families, the human rights defender of those not privileged enough to be [in] the same situation as the son of the Justice Secretary.

I agree 100%. So, let the wheels of justice roll – let us not direct them where to go!

On Facebook, you will always see snide remarks & insinuations that the Marcoses are guilty of the crimes that people accuse them of. That is to say, each of those people knows more and better than and does not trust the Justice System of the Philippines.

I do!

Who am I saying all that in favor of PH’s Justice System? A non-conformist. I was “extremed” 1960s from UP Los Baños – readmitted, I graduated with my BSA major in Ag Edu with 2.36 weighted average. Among other achievements, I am the one-and-only “Outstanding Alumnus For Creative Writing” in the entire history of the UP System.

With Sec Remulla, I insist: “Let Justice take its course”!@517

13 October 2022

Renucci Rice – Regenerative Native Undertaking By Citizens Collectively Cultivating Cereal Intelligently & Inspiringly!

Are Filipinos world-class citizens and lovers of good food? “Lovers of good food” I can swear to – here is inspiring news I learned only today arising from the World Rice Conference held in Makati (Manila) 3 years ago, in Nov 2019: Renucci Rice is “World’s 3rd Best” – after Vietnam’s and Thailand’s rices. The first time is always the best time!

I confess that I, a wide reader in the digital world, did not know this before until my friend Jerry A Quibilan sent me an email note pointing to Jarius Bondoc’s article in The Philippine Star (12 Oct 2022, “Leyte Rice Is World’s 3rd Best; Other Provinces Can Aspire Too” (philstar.com). Very much welcome news – and then I noted that Mr Bondoc is reporting news that is 3 years old! Mr Bondoc says:

Leyte-[grown] Renucci Rice is the world’s third best. Although a last-minute entry in the World Rice Conference in Makati, November 2019, it beat 27 other [entries] in appearance, texture, moisture, aroma and grain length. Only perennial winners Vietnam and Thailand, preparing two years [before], bested it. Renucci Rice’s win is the first for the Philippines.

Better late than never! Better Third than Last!

Note that the Renucci Rice is a latecomer in production and a last-minute entry – but it won in terms of appearance, texture, moisture, aroma, and grain length. You don’t win if you don’t excel!

That’s when I recalled that Renucci Rice is organicallygrown. (See my essay, “Modernization Of PH Agriculture – Lessons For All From Dalisay Rice,” 27 Oct 2019, The Rise Of Rice, blogspot.com). In that essay, I enumerated 5 Firsts associated with Renucci Rice produced by the couple Patrick & Rachel Renucci, the 5th being:

High-quality produce. “Dalisay” is organic white rice. At the very beginning, the Renuccis went after a product that everyone could be proud of, that their farmer producers could be proud of anywhere in the world. That is priceless!

I'm in love with organic. I’ve been in love with organic something like 56 years, since I chanced on American gentleman farmer Edward H Faulkner’s ardent espousal of “trash farming,” by which organic trash becomes healthy fertilizer that grows healthy crops that bear healthy foods for healthy animal and human bodies.

Vicky Ramos says on the Renuccis’ Facebook page:

I used to be a Japanese rice consumer for the longest time. Tried this [Renucci Rice] and it’s just WOW. The smell, texture, and most importantly the taste is world-class. Not to mention that it is much cheaper than the… Japanese rice. Will stick to this from now on. I am very grateful that I found you. Best of luck to our Filipino rice growers.

Googling, I find that Vietnam’s rice is notorganically grown, while Thailand’s is – started by a local monk 40+ years ago (Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org).

Now then, I have a new meaning to the word “Renucci” – “Regenerative native undertaking by citizens collectively cultivating cereal intelligently & inspiringly!”

Farmers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chemical chains!@517

12 October 2022

Climate Change In PH Agriculture – Change The President? And Yes, Change The Culture!

Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr was elected President of the Philippines and its 7000+ islands high tide or low tide. He is the Leader of all Government Leaders of the country. He should give up being Secretary and be the President of all Secretaries of all administrative departments in the islands. I full-blooded Ilocano (FBI) say BBM is best in that role.

With Climate Change roaring upon us in the forms of super-typhoons and floods and landslides, “now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country!”
(Images: “PEP” from pep.ph, “Manila” from climateadaptationplatform.com)

I FBI am thinking of who will be the next Secretary of Agriculture. One who is independent-minded, as I am. He believes 100% in Balanced Fertilization – use chemicalfertilizers & pesticides in here and use organic fertilizers & pesticides there. Differently, I believe 100% in Regenerative Agriculture (RA), which calls for 100% organic materials & methods.

First things first: What are the Big Challenges in PH Agriculture?

Looking at Pieces, the Big Problems are: Covid-19, Rice Tariffication Law, limited crop diversification, low productivity, high selling price of rice, and rising prices of imports.

Looking at Wholes, the Big Problems are: Food Security, Food Health, Farmer Poverty. And Climate Change. I have been looking at Regenerative Agriculture as The Big Savior.

But right now, the Biggest Challenge in PH Agriculture is neither in the Sciences nor Economics but in Headship!

And so I go back to the one I know has matured from being a Vice President of the Benguet State University, to Director General of the PCARRD, to PH Secretary of Agriculture under Erap, to Director General of ICRISAT based in India (2000-2014), and last but not least to PH Secretary of Agriculture 2019-2022 – William Dollente Dar. (No, he does not know I'm writing this.)

Mr Dar had shown he had mastered the role of Servant Leader in bringing ICRISAT from kulelat (dead last) to #1 among the 15 CGIAR agencies, topping even the prestigious IRRI based in the Philippines!

And how do I know all that? I had “insider” information – I was Writer From Home (WFH) for ICRISAT from Jan 2007 to Dec 2014, blogging a total of 306 essays, with essays as long as 1,447 words and 2,318 words – check out my blog “iCRiSAT Watch” (blogspot.com).

When he became PH Secretary of Agriculture in 2019, he already had a Paradigm Shift: Mr Dar brought in with him what he called “The New Thinking for Agriculture” enriched and supported by “8 Paradigms” – these are as follows (I translated them into commands):

(1) Modernize!
(2) Industrialize!
(3) Promote exports!
(4) Consolidate farms!
(5) Create roadmaps!
(6) Develop infrastructure!
(7) Have higher budgets and investments!
(8) Have legislative support!

Is The New Thinking for Agriculture perfect? No, but it’s the best we have ever had. Remember: ICRISAT clung to his leadership for 15 years before they let him go back to his beloved Philippines.

And I WFH? I also will settle for nobody but the best!@517

11 October 2022

BBM Sir, A UPLB Agriculturist, I Am Looking For That PH Agriculture Roadmap…..

BBM is leading the Department of Agriculture (DA) to transform PH Agriculture. I have been expecting him to come out with a Roadmap… a roadmap is not a straight line… “From Farmer Poverty to Prosperity.”

(“Roadmap” from slidesgo.com)

ANN says “BBM Sets Directions To Transform PH Agriculture” (Author Not Named, 08 Oct 2022, Manila Times, manilatimes.net). Not so fast, Miss ANN! When you give directions, you must describe where you’re coming from vis-a-vis where you’re going!

What PH Agriculture Roadmap? We can learn from experts, and I find this clue helpful: “Vision And Mission Statements -- A Roadmap Of Where You Want To Go And How To Get There” (Aug 2016, Iowa State University, extension.iastate.edu): “Where you want to go and how to get there.”

Miss ANN says:

The Department of Agriculture being [led] by the [President] himself, Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr, brings a new dimension to the development of the country's farming and fishery sector, especially now that the global food system has been shocked by the current geopolitical crisis.

But Miss ANN neither shows nor states that “new dimension” except to say BBM is pushing for agriculture’s:

mechanization and modernization of the sector
undertaking more scientific research and development
building more farm-to-market roads
higher output for palay
post-production and processing (of farm products).

The DA has been ordered by BBM to distribute “high quality seeds, fertilizer discount vouchers, biofertilizers, and farm machinery and equipment to farmers.”

I agriculturist am still looking for that PH Agriculture Roadmap!

Miss ANN says, “With the [PH President] being the Agriculture [Secretary], the DA can proceed with more political will in implementing high-impact programs for farmers, fishers and agribusiness companies.” Not so fast, Miss ANN – “more political will” and more “high-impact programs” are nothing without that Roadmap I'm insisting the DA should producefirst, whether the department is run by BBM or not. The first thing BBM should insist is:

Help me build that Roadmap for a healthier and happier PH Agriculture!

Miss ANN says, “One of President Marcos' first [moves] to ensure the country's food security is to give the DA a higher budget for next year, or P163.7 billion, which is P46.5 billion higher than 2022's P117.2-billion allocation.” No Ma'am, no Sir! Food security is only one concern, and

A much Higher Agriculture Budget is worth Nothing without a Roadmap!

Miss ANN says:

To increase the country's palay production, the DA, as ordered by President Marcos, distributed high quality seeds, fertilizer discount vouchers, biofertilizers, and farm machinery and equipment to farmers.

As of 31 August 2022, a total of 527,071 bags of hybrid seeds and 479,483 bags of certified seeds were distributed to eligible farmer-beneficiaries to cover 1.006 million hectares.

At best, those are All Roads – where is the Roadmap?

Here is another idea of a roadmap, from former IRRI Director MS Swaminathan (brainyquote.com):

To ensure food security for all, we should be clear about the definition of the problem, the precise index of measuring impact and the road map to achieve the goal.


Watching Germanwatch watching Climate Change within countries of the world – unfortunately, it’s watching Effects , not Causes . Not how ...