12 October 2022

Climate Change In PH Agriculture – Change The President? And Yes, Change The Culture!

Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr was elected President of the Philippines and its 7000+ islands high tide or low tide. He is the Leader of all Government Leaders of the country. He should give up being Secretary and be the President of all Secretaries of all administrative departments in the islands. I full-blooded Ilocano (FBI) say BBM is best in that role.

With Climate Change roaring upon us in the forms of super-typhoons and floods and landslides, “now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country!”
(Images: “PEP” from pep.ph, “Manila” from climateadaptationplatform.com)

I FBI am thinking of who will be the next Secretary of Agriculture. One who is independent-minded, as I am. He believes 100% in Balanced Fertilization – use chemicalfertilizers & pesticides in here and use organic fertilizers & pesticides there. Differently, I believe 100% in Regenerative Agriculture (RA), which calls for 100% organic materials & methods.

First things first: What are the Big Challenges in PH Agriculture?

Looking at Pieces, the Big Problems are: Covid-19, Rice Tariffication Law, limited crop diversification, low productivity, high selling price of rice, and rising prices of imports.

Looking at Wholes, the Big Problems are: Food Security, Food Health, Farmer Poverty. And Climate Change. I have been looking at Regenerative Agriculture as The Big Savior.

But right now, the Biggest Challenge in PH Agriculture is neither in the Sciences nor Economics but in Headship!

And so I go back to the one I know has matured from being a Vice President of the Benguet State University, to Director General of the PCARRD, to PH Secretary of Agriculture under Erap, to Director General of ICRISAT based in India (2000-2014), and last but not least to PH Secretary of Agriculture 2019-2022 – William Dollente Dar. (No, he does not know I'm writing this.)

Mr Dar had shown he had mastered the role of Servant Leader in bringing ICRISAT from kulelat (dead last) to #1 among the 15 CGIAR agencies, topping even the prestigious IRRI based in the Philippines!

And how do I know all that? I had “insider” information – I was Writer From Home (WFH) for ICRISAT from Jan 2007 to Dec 2014, blogging a total of 306 essays, with essays as long as 1,447 words and 2,318 words – check out my blog “iCRiSAT Watch” (blogspot.com).

When he became PH Secretary of Agriculture in 2019, he already had a Paradigm Shift: Mr Dar brought in with him what he called “The New Thinking for Agriculture” enriched and supported by “8 Paradigms” – these are as follows (I translated them into commands):

(1) Modernize!
(2) Industrialize!
(3) Promote exports!
(4) Consolidate farms!
(5) Create roadmaps!
(6) Develop infrastructure!
(7) Have higher budgets and investments!
(8) Have legislative support!

Is The New Thinking for Agriculture perfect? No, but it’s the best we have ever had. Remember: ICRISAT clung to his leadership for 15 years before they let him go back to his beloved Philippines.

And I WFH? I also will settle for nobody but the best!@517

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