01 November 2022

BBM’s Dream Of P20/Kg Rice – To Help Make That Dream Come True Almost Immediately, Somebody Fund Me As I Re/Invent A Mechanically Intelligent ”Masaganang Sakahang Kabalikat” Rotavator (”MSK Rotavator”)

From its Facebook page, “Rice Up” speaks of “Cheap But Quality Rice.” Yes! I will now modify Pres Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr’s promise: “Rice Down/Rice Up – P20/kg Rice: Low Price, High Quality.”

“Rice Up” is entitled to its secret, but I myself know how such rice can be produced – via a mechanically intelligent rotavator.

The above rotavator images are from TractorGuru (tractorguru.in) – the caption says “Top 10…” but shows only 9 – poor editing. Whatever, I now claim the missing Top One is my MSK Rotavator!

“Masaganang Sakahan Kabalikat” (Abundant Harvest Assistant). MSK Rotavator. The rotavator, off-the-shelf, if intelligently directed as it is, can produce automatically an organic mulch! And that will ensure that my promise of Rice Down/Rice Up quality rice is automatically delivered.

I have shown in reality that an off-the-shelf rotavator operating with my instructions can enrich the soil and enrich the yield of any crop – so much better if it is designed to become my MSK Rotavator, each unit automatically operating with my in-built instructions. Then, anyone can be a successful farmer!

“Rice Up” on its Facebook page says, “We provide cheap but quality rice to our consumers. We ensure reasonable pricing.” (“Rice Up” is found along Presidential Road, Batasan Hills, Quezon City.)

Will it work? In the 1960s, when that idea of mine came up, my brother-in-law Enso Casasosheard what I told the operator of the Big Howard Rotavator what to do in cultivating our ricefield in my hometown Asingan, Pangasinan:

Don’t set any level of cut – simply run over the field with those blades. That is all I want you to do.

Which was done, and which was intelligently imitated by Enso with the off-the-shelf little rotavator and, for decades, out-yielded neighbor farmers copying everything he did – but did not know about the rotavator technique that Enso was modifying – “Don’t intentionally dig into the soil. Just let the rotavator roll, and that’s it.”

Now, I want every other rotavator to do the same automatically – the MSK Rotavator will do that. But I need some financing to make the dream come true. If you are a friend of BBM and you have some funds you can share, share with me! (PM me on Facebook for arrangements.)

Have you read my earlier essay mentioned above? That MSK Rotavator will create automatically an organic mulch that will become your organic fertilizer that will enrich the soil and grow healthy crops for you and give you fantastic yields – healthy farm produce at almost no expense. Remember, one passing of the MSK Rotavator is enough: No need for plowing, no harrowing, no levelling, no fertilizing. And since your crop will grow healthy with that healthy organic matter, you will not need any pesticide natural or artificial. MSK also means “Menos Sa Kagastusan” (minus the expenses).

What else needs to be done? I still have to reinvent the rotavator into the MSK Rotavator for every farmer – any funders?@517

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