11 November 2022

Climate Change: “Either We Win Together Or We Lose Together" – Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary Of State, Addressing COP27 In Egypt

"Climate change will not wait for us," Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin told country leaders meeting for COP27 in Egypt. "Our world is now far too interdependent and cannot permit itself to be structured into unsustainable isolated blocks of countries…” I say, as Benjamin Franklin told the US Congress 247 years ago after the American Revolution, “We must, indeed, all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

Cardinal Parolin was speaking on behalf of Pope Francis (08 Nov 2022, “ COP27: Holy See Calls For Action From World Leaders,” CAFOD, cafod.org.uk):

The message … declared that the presidents and prime ministers gathered at the summit in Sharm El-Sheikh have a "moral duty to act concretely in order to prevent and respond to the always more frequent and severe humanitarian impacts caused by climate change."

… The Holy See is dedicated to promoting education in integral ecology. Indeed, political, technical and operational measures are not enough; they must be combined with an educational approach that promotes new lifestyles…

The Vatican is saying political will and operational control in behalf of the environment are not enough. We must educate the people and promote newlifestyles for the “strengthening of the covenant between human beings and the environment.”

As an educator myself, and in agriculture, I am calling for a revolution, in my country the Philippines and the rest of the world, via what I call “Climate Change Agriculture Revolution” – we must practice 100% what Robert Rodale has termed “Regenerative Agriculture.”

To help stop Climate Change, we must stop Chemical Agriculture! Those chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides are generators of up to 29% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (05 April 2021, “Climate Smart Agriculture,” The World Bank, worldbank.org). We are not smart!

To me, organic is the way to Climate Smart Agriculture, with all these naturally healthy: soils, crops, farm produce, foods, consumers, farmers’ bank accounts, and villages.

What I have been consistently blogging about is the role that agriculture plays in creating Climate Change – chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides once applied generate greenhouse gases (GHGs) that go up the atmosphere and those GHGs reflect the heat back to Earth – the “Greenhouse Effect.” If you have a greenhouse, this effect is welcome; Earth acting like a giant greenhouse is creating weather disturbance too many, too much, and too often.

"Climate change will not wait for us," Cardinal Parolin said. "Our world is now far too interdependent and cannot permit itself to be structured into unsustainable isolated blocks of countries. This is a time for international and intergenerational solidarity. We need to be responsible, courageous and forward-looking not just for ourselves, but for our children."

Me, I am not worried about isolated blocks of countries but farmers in all countries isolated from the facts of Agriculture creating 29% of Climate Change!

"Our political will," the cardinal told the leaders, "should be guided by the awareness that either we win together or we lose together."@517


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