27 November 2022

Gardens Guardians – To Each One’s Own Garden. Now, How Green Is Your Valley?

Introducing my new blog: “Gardens Guardians” (GG, or Gigi.) The idea is that we cultivate our own gardens while considering that others are cultivating theirs – Gigi, you have your piece of earth; simultaneously, all Gigis must have Peace on Earth!

The top image, of a valley, is from Hans Luiggi. It’s probably taken from my beloved Philippines – “Valley, your face looks familiar.” On closeup, the middle looks like rice terraces. And yes, the mountains are denuded much – a sight for tourists, not a sight for sore eyes!
(“Valley” from unsplash.com)

Starting today, Sunday, 27 Nov 2022, I concede that each has one’s view of “Eden” – no problem! “Eden” is, macmillan dictionary says (macmillandictionary.com), “a beautiful peaceful place.” Yes, you are entitled to cultivate your own Eden, but I repeat, “There must be Peace on Earth!”

I am a Virgo, 17 Sept; I did not know until Thursday, 24 Nov 2022, that “the Virgo spirit color is not just one, but all the primary tones of the Earth or Nature” and these are “the shades of green, yellow, white, and blue” (Sonu Saraf, Anytime Astro, anytimeastro.com).Wikipedia says my zodiac element is “Earth” (Virgo, en.wikipedia.org). Now then, this Virgo asks: “How green is your valley?”
(”Virgo” image from

Anna Kaufmansays astrologer Rene Watt says about Virgos (usatoday.com):

They're the perfectionists of the Zodiac. Virgos have sometimes too discerning of an eye. They see things with too much clarity, and they may sometimes hone in on small details that other people are kind of brushing over.

Blue-Green-White-Yellow. Thank God, I have a license to thrill – I will write about such things as the Blue Sky, Green Future, Yellow Paintings, and White, the color that begs definition!

At 82, after some 22 years of unflagging blogging, the creative thrill is still there and, in fact, I find it deeper – as the world goes deeper into morass because of Climate Change that in fact has been caused by selfishPrimate Change. Despite 27 years of Conference of Parties (hence COP27) of the United Nations – Climate Change is getting worse. Which implies the COP is only good for rhetoric.

I believe Climate Change is getting worse not because the COP27 parties are not trying their best – but that they are barking at the wrong tree!

As an agriculturist who is an unbelievable virtual wide reader since 1991, and an untiring knowledge searcher & blogger since 2000, I am convinced that the main culprit in Climate Change is Primate Change in Agriculture – the shift from natural to chemical ways of farming!

In that sense, I have been proselytizing for what I learned Robert Rodale termed in the 1980s as “Regenerative Agriculture,” I focusing on organic ways of farming, off and on, since 1975.

So, Green is my Valley – How Green is yours?

The mountainsides should not be farmed; and the valleys should be under Regenerative Agriculture! In that way, there are no greenhouse gases (GHGs) generated from the farmed fields; and agriculture contributes nothing, zero, zilch to Climate Change!@517

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