08 November 2022

My Dream Machine – The Rotavator Shown Above Is The Reality, Mine Is A Rotavator To Be Re-Invented To Automatically Enrich The Soil For “Great Food, Great Wellness”

The rotavator is my dream machine for farming. “Dream” because it’s there but it’s not there – I want the off-the-shelf machine redesigned so that it both automatically produces and distributes all over the field what we call the organic mulchthat produces the natural fertility of the soil that gives a great harvest every time!

(“Great Harvest” from m.facebook.com)

The above image is my photographic closeup of rotavator blades at the display of farm cultivator equipment at PhilRice Los Baños 18 April 2018, except that I have given it the “artistic effect” to highlight blades, curves and relationships. I shot the original during the “Lakbay Palay Dry Season 2018” (“Rice Journey,” my translation) where there was a field visit and afterwards a symposium for farmers and guests. There were some 400 attending, and there was this handout, “Binhing Dekalidad, Pagpapalay Ang Maunlad!” – Quality Seeds, Quality Farming” – my free translation. (How do I remember those details? I am looking at my blogpost titled “Lakbay Palay & 3 Is A Crowd Of PhilRice Scientists,” 21 April 2018, Gaia Con Gaia, blogspot.com.)

In the Lakbay Palay handout were 7 subjects: (1) Hybrid Rice Breeding, (2) Optimization Of Seed Production Practices, (3) Inbred Seed Production, (4) Rainfed Inbred Rice Breeding, (5) Palayamanan Plus, (6) Learning Farm, and (7) We Help The Rice Farmers. Great but not Excellent – zero data/info about cultivation techniques and/or equipment.

Today, I will tell you how my dream machine, which I refer to as the “Masaganang Sakahan Kabalikat Rotavator” (“MSK Rotavator” – translated as “Machine Soil Keyworker Rotavator”) will help not only the rice farmers but all farmers (including gardeners). That MSK Rotavator is the one that will automatically produce that organic mulch and distribute it all over the field also automatically – producing what I call an automatic organic mulch (A-OM).

Now, “Om" is (hinduamerican.org):

… defined by Hindu scripture as being the primordial sound of creation. It is the original vibration of the universe. From this first vibration, all other vibrations are able to manifest.

Great! My original MSK Rotavator will produce the automatic material OM on any field that automatically enriches the soil that automatically enriches the crops that automatically enriches the harvests that automatically enriches the food for consumers that automatically enriches the farmers!

With the MSK Rotavator, the OM creates itself (almost) and distributes itself (always). I see now that this OM is the undiscovered natural secret for “Regenerative Agriculture,” which I now refer to as “Climate Change Agriculture” – to emphasize that there is zero greenhouse gas produced. I emphasize: zero composting, zero collecting decomposables, and zero “green manuring” – my MSK Rotavator reinvents green manuring!

With the MSK Rotavator, a farmer does not need any fertilizer at all!

To make my dream come true? I need some millionaire individual or institution to finance this re-invention project.

So, again I publicly ask for financial help to reinvent the rotavator to automatically give us a great future in agriculture!@517

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