23 November 2022

PH DA Celebrates Global Warming & Climate Change Consciousness Week 21-25 Nov 2022 – Where Is Consciousness Of The Causes Of Climate Change? Asking For A Friend!

Wanting Primate Change, as a watchful journalist, Climate Change has been in my blogs (plural) since 2007 when American Al Gore & the IPCC co-won the Nobel Peace Prize. Today, I congratulate the PH Department of Agriculture (DA) for leading the celebration of the “Global Warming & Climate Change Consciousness Week” 21-25 Nov 2022.

I am reading the news from Kristel Joyce Merle, “Agri Dep’t Kicks-Off Global Warming And Climate Change Consciousness Week” (21 Nov 2022, DA, da.gov.ph), with the theme “Sama-Samang Tumutugon Sa Hamon Ng Nagbabagong Klima” (Together Responding To The Challenge Of Climate Change” – my translation). Pertinently, the DA now has a Climate Resilient Agriculture Office (CRAO).

According to Ms Kristel, the CRAO has launched “The C-R-A Initiatives” as follows:

C – CREATE (Climate-Resilient Agriculture Through Evidence-Informed Planning) – Here, local government executives are capacitated with “science-based tools such as Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment Maps, National Color-Coded Agricultural Guide Map, Climate Information Services, Participatory Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment, and Protocol on Establishing Climate-Resilient Villages.

R – Resilience Toolkit for LGU (RTL); and

A – Additional Decision-Support Tools.

So much to do, and it’s all technical! I pity the local executives, but all that is now a necessary part of their job. If the local leaders do not lead, who will?

Yet, I find The C-R-A Initiatives, no matter how complex, incomplete! So, I suggest to the CRAO an expanded package – The CRAFT Initiatives – including “Farmer Tools (FT)”

As a warrior journalist, I say that to complete The CRAFT Initiatives, the farmers should be taught not only how to be Resilient or Resistant to Climate Change but also how to be Warriors for Climate Change – by rejecting Chemical Agriculture (CA) and instead injecting Organic Agriculture (OA) as a set of farmer tools. Thereby, with OA the farmers actually stop their farming activities that generate greenhouse gases (GHGs) that generate Climate Change!

Directly important to their lives and their families, the farmers applying OA will be (a) reducing their costs of farm production – no more expensive chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides, (b) increasing their yields many times, and (c) multiplying their incomes – lower costs coupled with higher yields will increase farmers’ earnings much.

Not only that – the farmers’ produce will all be healthy foods, and they can ask for higher prices.

But I am not only an indefatigable writer but also a very strict technical editor – I am wondering about this of the CRAO:

The Climate Change celebrant forgets to point out a major cause that involves Conventional or Chemical Agriculture: Why is that?

I now ask DA Senior Undersecretary Domingo F Panganiban why the department is celebrating Climate Change consciousness without pointing out a/the major cause of Climate Change – the GHGs – and what farmers can do to help curb their generation: changefertilizers.

I keep repeating what the DA could do to solve Farmer Poverty and simultaneously resolve Climate Change – subsidize farmers’ supply of organic fertilizers. It’s as simple, and as complicated, as that!@517


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