15 November 2022

The Great Lesson That All Religions Have Failed To Preach And/Or Practice – Love Of Mother Earth As The Giver Of Life

Not obvious. All religions in the Philippines that I know – Aglipayan, Bible Baptist Church, Iglesia Independiente, Iglesia ni Cristo, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Roman Catholic, Seventh-Day Adventist, and United Church of Christ – preach love of God, but each of them misses one thing: If you don’t love the soil, your love of Mother Earth is incomplete!

The above image called “Planet Earth, Hands And Heart” by Andrew19 (shutterstock.com), is “a symbol of peace and unity of communities.” I modified it to emphasize as symbolic of Mother Earth.

We mankind started to disrespect our Mother Earth when we invented chemical fertilization, the first chemical fertilizer being “superphosphate,” in the 19th century (Darrel A Russel & Gerard C Williams, “History Of Chemical Fertilizer Development,” Soil Science Society Of America Journal, 01 March 1977, acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com). Chemical fertilizers transform the fertility of Mother Earth from natural to artificial.

Now, where does Love of Mother Earth begin? I say: “In the hands, that is, in the soil.” We work with the soil. As farmers, we must work with natural processes to obtain that motherly love.Otherwise, we receive Mother Earth’s furies – that which we collectively call “Climate Change.”

As far as I can see, Climate Change begins in the way we handle the soil – with lack of care. We only think and love ourselves as we try to get the most of our labors and never mind what happens to Mother Earth!

What’s missing? We do not connect love of Mother Earth with the actual soil, out of which God Himself fashioned Adam and, out of Adam, Eve. We are descendants of Adam & Eve; therefore, we owe our lives directly to Mother Earth!

Here is from “Pope Francis: A Prayer For Our Earth” (Catholic Climate Covenant, catholicclimatecovenant.org):

A Prayer For Our Earth

All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe
and in the smallest of your creatures.
You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.

Pour out upon us the power of your love,
that we may protect life and beauty.
Fill us with peace, that we may live
as brothers and sisters, harming no one.

O God of the poor,
help us to rescue the abandoned and
forgotten of this earth,
so precious in your eyes.

The only way Mother Earth can “pour out upon us the power of (her) love” is for us to obey her laws. Such as: “From Life comes Life.” And the most natural, most loving way we can show our love of Mother Earth in farming is to apply

“Regenerative Agriculture!”

This concept that embraces the science of farming with Mother Nature has been forwarded via the term “Regenerative Agriculture” that was “originally coined by the Rodale Institute in the late 1980s” (Morgen Harvey & Claire LaFontaine (24 May 2021, “What Is Regenerative Agriculture?” Sustainable America, sustainableamerica.org).

What I already know is that one of the ways of applying the principles of Regenerative Agriculture is to:

Be Organic!
“No” to Chemical Fertilizers & Chemical Pesticides!

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