15 December 2022

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Good At Social Media, Not Social Mediation! She Must Be Thinking: “The Earth’s Mine!”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is a New York Representative and a member of the Democratic Party. At 29, AOC is the youngest woman to serve the US Congress. “She has been noted for her substantial social media presence relative to her fellow members of Congress” – Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org).

AOC’s “substantial social media presence” is probably the main reason why her group came up with the “To The End,” a documentary featuring AOC and other Climate Change activists. Sadly, Rob Crilly says, “Where Was Her Squad? AOC Climate Change Documentary FLOPS – And Brings In Just $80 Per Theater During Its Opening Weekend”! (13 Dec 2022, Daily Mail, dailymail.co.uk). AOC and her activists were “pushing the Green New Deal” (GND) in the film, which opened last Friday, 09 December (USA). Total take? Total of $9,667 for 125 theaters.” Exactly $77.34 /theater. That’s not miserable – that’s pathetic!

About the film, Monica Castillo says (09 Dec 2022, “To The End,” rogerebert.com):

The film’s focus is on climate change, narrowing in on the experiences of newly minted Representative Ocasio-Cortez, who champions immediate policy action to save the planet, the spirited activist Varshini Prakash, Co-founder and Executive Director of Sunrise Movement… Executive Director of Justice Democrats Alexandra Rojas, and the behind-the-scenes mastermind Rhiana Gunn-Wright, Director of Climate Policy at the Roosevelt Institute.

Thus, the movie documents the experiences of AOC, Ms Prakash, Ms Rojas, and Ms Gunn-Wright. Here is the problem:

In essence, [film Director Rachel Lears] has recreated her four-story structure but because [each is working on a different element for] creating change, there are no parallel tracks for the film to follow. The result feels a little shaggier, more like ambling towards a common goal than leading to a clean and neat conclusion… [In the end],  each subject [activist] is still fighting for change, and the end feels more like an ellipsis than a declarative period.

My declarative: It is clear that with this film, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did not make herself clear about Climate Change!

Herself, film Director Lears failed clearing up what exactly is Climate Change and how it affects everyone. Did those ladies fear that if the movie did that, they would offend Big Business – who would then destroy their respective careers? The title itself, “To The End”, is unclear, unconvincing, unexciting – unending!
(“Failure” is from vamboa.org)

But failure is a good excuse for trying again. If I were the Director of “To The End,” that would only be the beginning! I might title the next film, “To The New Beginning” – and document how Regenerative Agriculture (RA), as mightily represented by Organic Agriculture (OA), is helping solve Farmer Poverty and resolve Climate Change.

Of AOC, Wikipedia says (en.wikipedia.org): “[AOC’s GND] proposals call for public policy to address Climate Change.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – Call for public policy.
Frank A Hilario – Call for private projects.
Action speaks louder than words!

Personally, I continue to blog for RA/OA in my country the Philippines. EarthMinds: We Earth people have to do what we can privately for the public good!@517


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