18 December 2022

Watching Germanwatch watching Climate Change within countries of the world – unfortunately, it’s watching Effects, not Causes. Not how to avoid climate change like the plague. There are 195 countries in this planet (Worldometer, worldometers.info); all of them are contributing much to climate change. Stop the United Nations – I want to get off!

More about Germanwatch, Wikipedia says (en.wikipedia.org):

Germanwatch is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Bonn, Germany. It seeks to influence public policy on trade, the environment, and relations between countries in the industrialized north and underdeveloped south… Particular areas of interest include trade in food and agricultural policy, climate change, and corporate accountability.

I note: Germanwatch “seeks to influence public policy on … the environment…” and “Particular areas of interest… climate change.”

On its main page, Germanwatch has 1 image that says (germanwatch.org):

We are facing two major climate challenges. First: To avoid unmanageable levels of climate change – through climate protection. Second: To tackle the inevitable effects of climate change – through adaptation. Germanwatch works on both, equitable and efficient solutions.

There, Germanwatch mentions “adaptation” and “climate protection” – but not “removal” or at least reduction of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that industry and agriculture inevitably produce?! Germanwatch talks about “the inevitable effects of climate change” but not the origins of such avoidable causes! Why is that?

More specifically, why does not Germanwatch discuss how Conventional or Chemical Agriculture (CA) generates so much greenhouse gases – it is the GHGs that generate so much climate change because of the greenhouse effect – high above Earth, the atmosphere traps the gases escaping from Earth, forming a layer that behaves like the top of a worldwide greenhouse, trapping heat emanating from below.
(“Greenhouse Effect” from climate.nasa.gov)

I see that Germanwatch, like I like to say, is “slipping on the job”!

The more the world applies chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the more GHGs are generated and the more the world suffers from the floods & droughts & bad weather that climate change brings. CA is good – and bad!

Thus, the Life & Death Question is: How can CA be avoided to avoid climate change? Asking as a friend!

Asking “Which Countries Are Most Threatened By And Vulnerable To Climate Change?(Iberdrola, iberdrola.com), Iberdrola answers its own question: 10 countries listed – #1: Japan, #2: Philippines, #3: Germany, #4: Madagascar, #5: India, #6: Sri Lanka, #7: Kenya, #8: Ruanda, #9: Canada, and #10: Fuji

My beloved country the Philippines is #2, the 2nd country most endangered by climate change!

I have been writing about climate change since at least 05 June 2013 (see “Climate Change Scientist, Leader & Evangelist” (Frank A Hilario, blogspot.com). The person I was writing about was UPLB Chancellor Rex Victor Cruz, one of the members of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. I was hoping he would steer UPLB towards what would later be known as “Regenerative Agriculture” – he did not. I am hoping I will, to not fail the Filipinos!@517


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Watching Germanwatch watching Climate Change within countries of the world – unfortunately, it’s watching Effects , not Causes . Not how ...