01 December 2022

Choose Wisely – “Truth Journalism” Goes For Goals Of Media, “THiNK! Journalism” Goes For Goals Of People!

In 2021, the Chinese in Henan Province began targeting journalists and foreign students in a massive attempt to curtail un/intentional negative information or news. It’s understandable; it’s natural; it’s human, if not humane. When you feel threatened, you act in self-defense. Journalists appreciate such truth?

Rapplerpublished last year the Reuters’report “Chinese Province Targets Journalists, Foreign Students With Planned New Surveillance System[1]” (30 Nov 2021). The report says:

The Henan provincial government is building a surveillance system that would track journalists, international students, and other 'suspicious people'.

A July 29 tender document… details plans for a system that can compile individual files on such persons of interest coming to Henan using 3,000 facial recognition cameras that connect to various national and regional databases.

I am not surprised – it’s a law of nature that:

A negative action produces a negative reaction! I am positive about that.

We don’t have to go visit China. In Manila, with/without the Nobel Peace Prize, Rappler practices Truth Journalism, which is always a Win-Or-Lose Proposition – you find out the negative as far as a target person or group is concerned, but it can happen that both sides lose! A self-styled journalist, I like everyone to win! That is why I practice the opposite kind, which goes this way:

“THiNK! Journalism” – You investigate if:

True? If True, investigate if
Helpful? If Helpful, investigate if
Inspiring? If Inspiring, investigate if
Necessary? If Necessary, investigate if
If all questions are answered by “Yes,” proceed & proclaim your findings & thoughts!

THiNK! Journalists are the ones deserving the Nobel Peace Prize!

I care about the politics, but unlike Maria Ressa, I do not like to play hero.

Now, now, why should journalists complain when they become targets of the people whom they target in their journalism in the first place?!

Always THiNK! is my journalism.

By course, I am an agriculturist (UP Los Baños BSA ‘65; by choice, I am a communicator for development (since 1975). The Truth I go for is the
(1) Scientific.
Like the truth about plowing
(Destroys soil structure and therefore the moisture-plant relationship), and
climate change
(Farmers contribute to climate change by applying inorganic or chemical fertilizers and pesticides);
(2) Practical.
Like my Grade 3 farmer father selecting best panicles from his ricefield and saving them for the next planting – neither my brother agriculturist Emilio taught him that, nor I, who was only in high school.

And I am careful that when I suggest or prescribe the scientific or practical, I explain.

In Truth Journalism, as supported by public media here and abroad, the journalists find pride and joy in coming out with a “scoop” – an exclusive, fact-filled, sensational piece.

If the story is negative to people being reported on, expectedly, there is some retribution. So, who likes Truth Journalism? Only those who like to play dangerous games. So, who complains about the unwanted returns of Truth Journalism? Mostly the journalists who play those dangerous games!

Give me THiNK! Journalism anytime!@517



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