08 December 2022

“Choosing The Next UP President – Consider That UP Has Become A Weapon Of Mass Distinction But Not A Weapon Of Mass Education In The Midst Of The Threat Of Mass Extinction!

Above, UN Secretary General Antonio Gutierres smiles to hide his heartache thinking of his pandemic message about the fate of us science-minded but selfish earthlings. Listen!

Mr Gutierres is in Montreal, Canada, attending the opening ceremonies of the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15). ANN says he says (Author Not Named, 07 Dec 2022, “‘Humanity Has Become A Weapon Of Mass Extinction,’ Warns UN Chief,” Inquirer.net, newsinfo.inquirer.net):

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday slammed multinational corporations for turning the world’s ecosystems into “playthings of profit” and warned failure to correct course would lead to catastrophic results.

“With our bottomless appetite for unchecked and unequal economic growth, humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction,” he said, in a speech ahead of biodiversity talks in Montreal.

In an earlier report, Mr Gutierres had said, “We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator.” This was on the occasion of the opening of the COP27 UN climate summit in Egypt last month (Fiona Harvey & Damian Carrington, 07 Nov 2022, “World Is On ‘Highway To Climate Hell’, UN Chief Warns At Cop27 Summit,” The Guardian, theguardian.com).

What the world needs now are leaders with heads full of science and hearts full of love for all humanity.

In the midst of Climate Change, we need political leaders who can think both critically and creatively. At the University of the Philippines System (UP), we need academic leaders who are scientists and at the same time artists.

Thus, my unsolicited advice is for the UP Board of Regents to pick on Friday, 09 Dec 2022, the President who is both critical and creative – I point to ex-UP Los Baños Chancellor Fernando C Sanchez Jr.

Previously, I wrote 5 essays on Mr Sanchez when he was UPLB Chancellor – check out my blog Gardens Guardians; to go there, press Ctrl+Click on the following line/link: https://gardensguardians.blogspot.com.

This is my 3rd essay thinking of UP President Sanchez since October:
(1) “What UP Needs Most Is A Vision Of Loveliness – Time To Get Rid Of That Vision Of Barren Manliness!” (24 Oct 2022, Gardens Guardians, gardensguardians.blogspot.com), and
(2) “’The Thinking Head.’ Choosing The Next UP President – From Critical To Creative, UP Must Go, Because UP Diliman & The Oblation Are Too Critical!” (02 Dec 2022, Gardens Guardians, gardensguardians.blogspot.com).

The Twin Global/National Problems of Farmer Poverty and Climate Change point to the next UP President coming from UP Los Baños! Chemical Agriculture (CA) is what keeps the farmers poor; they must now practice Organic Agriculture (OA) to solve Farmer Poverty, simultaneously resolve Climate Change!

Solving Farmer Poverty: OA costs are low and returns are high.

Resolving Climate Change: Where CA generates much greenhouse gases (GHGs) that generate Climate Change, OA generates zero GHGs.

Thinking globally, acting locally. UP needs a President whose head thinks of global problems with scientific solutions and whose heart feels for applications adoptable by communities as taught by UP experts!@517


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