06 December 2022

Organic Farming? “For Worse!” – Genetic Literacy Project, American Group. “For Better!” – I, Me, Myself!

Ben Peczon, an acquaintance, avid advocate for agriculture modernization of the Philippines, shares on Facebook 01 Dec 2022 the above image with the heading: “Spanish biologist: ‘No evidence that organic diet better for health or organic farming better for the environment.’”

Immediately I tell myself: “Citations correct. Conclusion wrong!”

Mr Peczon is referring to the article by Jose Miguel Mulet & Sea Ferragut  (title above, 29 Nov 2022, Genetic Literacy Project, geneticliteracyproject.org). I now quote the pertinent dis/agreeable text:

Do foods with an organic seal have benefits?

[José Miguel Mulet:] The only thing they guarantee is that they have been grown according to a regulation that tells you what you can put and what you can’t. The problem is that production is very low. Europe wants to promote it but it only talks about increasing surface area but you don’t buy in square meters, but in kilos. They only talk about the surface because it is clear that production is going to plummet. Are they healthier? The only variable you control is the growing method, not what you grow. Getting drunk on organic wine is just as bad for your health as on non-organic wine. There is no evidence that a diet based on organic products is better…

Isn’t it better for the environment?

[Mulet:] No. If productivity falls, you need more land to get the same food, and the environmental impact and the water footprint skyrocket. Organic regulation is not based on objective parameters, such as the carbon or water footprint, but on a philosophical principle without a scientific basis that what is natural is better. There are problems. For example, in organic viticulture copper is used as a fungicide and it is a terrible contaminant. Therefore, the ecological seal does not guarantee less environmental impact. It will depend on the crop.

My reactions as organic believer:

First: About farm foods sold with a “USDA Organic” seal: Thus, the USDA allows the use of copper as a fungicide in organic viticulture – and “it is a terrible contaminant.” I say, “The USDA is terrible!”

Second: About organic farm outputs: “The problem is that production is very low.” Mr Mulet is talking about organic farming that uses only organic fertilizers as sold commercially or prepared by the farmers themselves.

Third: They are limiting “organic” to the certified “organic farms” and not considering other forms of or practices related to organic agriculture.

What they are talking about is very limited organic farming!

For instance, on the subject of organic fertilizers, I have a personal method of not manually but mechanically preparing what I call “organic mulch” that is created by the rotavator but with my strict instructions to be followed by the operator.

If you don’t believe me, I challenge anyone to financially sponsor a techno demo for me to show, with a million eyes looking physically and virtually, an off-the-shelf rotavator cultivating under my direction – and come harvest time, to witness how many tons the harvest will be. Any brave souls taking my dare?@517


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