09 December 2022

UP President Selection – No Climate Change From Popularity To Call Of The Times? – Calling The Attention Of The UP Board Of Regents!

Is the search for the new UP President all in the “pursuit of academic excellence”? Wrong pursuit! this UPLB alumnus says. Correct pursuit: National Relevance. And what is relevant today is “Climate Change” – the UP President must lead the UP System universities in helping address the climate crisis in their own turfs!

(“Nation Building” from marketbusinessnews.com, “Inspirational” from youtube.com)

From the UP Diliman University Student Council (Twitter, twitter.com), I saw this:

LOOK: With our call to uphold genuine representation in the selection for the next UP President, #NoMoreChancesSanchez is trending alongside our campaign for Fidel Nemenzo as #OurSuperPrexy.

“No More Chances Sanchez” – ah, if today I were a member of the UP Board of Regents, my vote would go to ex-UPLB Chancellor Fernando c Sanchez Jr as the next UP President!

UP people, you are still thinking and pushing for academic excellence while the country is being hammered by the climate crisis. And it is in Agriculture that UP can help address this national crisis. And so who else to select as the next UP President but Sanchez?

With Sanchez, our chances are bright when it comes to defeating the twin evils of Farmer Poverty and Climate Change! The UP System cannot remain blind to those two, entangled problems!

Why do I say “entangled” when “Poverty” is Economic while “Climate” is Atmospheric? Because I know that the 2 major problems have the same solution: Intelligent Agriculture (iA).

There is Farmer Poverty because the total cost of farming is high because of the high cost of chemical fertilizers, and therefore the returns are low. So, what else is new?!

Repeat: Filipino farmers are their own enemies because of Chemical Agriculture (CA), because chemical fertilizers are expensive, they are at the expense of the income of farmers!

IA: Farmers themselves aggravate Climate Change because farming contributes 21-37% of greenhouse gases (frontiersin.org). Note: My source of data is American, not Filipino. 21-37% – that is significant, this non-statistical expert is saying.

So what we should do is discontinue the unintelligent Chemical Agriculture and resort to the intelligent Organic Agriculture. So, who among the candidates for 2022 UP President understands that but only one: ex-UPLB Chancellor Fernando C Sanchez Jr! With Sanchez, we have another iA – Intelligent Administrator.

IA: The UP System cannot ignore the Climate Crisis that bears on all of us, farmers and students and citizens alike – and the UP System should be the intellectual leader in all this!

“All in pursuit of academic excellence” – UP Virata School of Business (vsb.upd.edu.ph). why choose Excellence, not Relevance?

Here is from Editor In Chief Francis Allan L Angelo (08 Dec 2022, “A Critical Race,” Daily Guardian, dailyguardian.com.ph):

The next UP president will not just become president of an organization or fraternity, but of the state university which has become the fulcrum of independent and conscious thinking and an agent of tangible nation-building efforts.

Double iA: The next UP President should help build this nation against Farmer Poverty and Climate Change!@517


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