14 December 2021

BASF: “Farming, The Biggest Job On Earth!” FAH: The Biggest Factor On Climate Change!

We toured Rogelio Dacasin’s farm when I visited my hometown Asingan, Pangasinan, where our Nagkaisa Multi-Purpose Coop has offices. This is among many photographs I took 06-12-2016. Today, that tarp shouts: “Farming, the biggest job on earth!”

Virtually, the BASF webpage explains “Why farming is the Biggest Job on Earth[1] (Agro.basf.com):

Powerful images of farmers and crops from around the world present the answer. Farming (really is) the biggest job on earth! The growers’ hands represent the hard work (and) dedication exhibited by farmers everywhere.

A little more than 5 years after I took that photograph, what has BASF wrought?

BASF plays its part by working together with farmers to create chemistry that helps them (to) produce higher quality crops and (higher) yields, satisfying the needs of an ever-growing world population.

On another webpage, the latest piece of news I like best from BASF is this: “BASF And Win-All Partner To Develop New Rice System For Farmers In China,” BASF.com)[2]:

Shanghai, China – 30 June 2020 – BASF and Win-All Hi-Tech Seed Co, Ltd… formed a partnership to develop a new non-GMO rice production system that helps farmers in China boost their yield and quality of the harvest.

It says, “non-GMO rice.” Genetically Modified Organism. I prefer non-GMO to GMO. “That helps farmers boost their yield and quality of the harvest.” I’m quite sure that that non-GMO rice production system will eventually reach the Philippines and benefit Filipino farmers that much.

On that occasion, Jonathan Bryant, Vice President, Global Strategic Marketing, Seeds and Traits, BASF Agricultural Solutions, said:

As one of the leading global suppliers of agricultural solutions, we are pleased to be partnering with Win-All Hi-Tech, one of the strongest innovators in the marketplace, to provide growers in China with access to our world-class technology(ies).

Jiang Sanqiao, Deputy General Manager of Win-All High-Tech said:

We look forward to combining our expertise in seeds and plant breeding with BASF’s crop protection know-how to produce valuable new tools that can help Chinese rice farmers improve their productivity. Building on the success of our previous collaborations, we are confident that this new partnership will support China’s sustainable agriculture.

“China’s sustainable agriculture.” Here, I must point out:
Sustainable Agriculture is not equivalent to Regenerative Agriculture.”

Sustainable considers the farming of each family:
technically feasible, economically viable, environmentally sound, and socially acceptable.

Regenerative considers the whole village:
the technology grows, economy grows, environment grows, and society grows. Regenerative agriculture promotes & recreates the entire village, including Mother Nature!
(above village image
[3] from Thecounter.org)

If China practiced regenerative agriculture, that big country would massively (a) display to all the villagers how it can favor farming families with big harvests & big incomes, and (b) show all the world how to combat climate change via primate change – all farmers obeying Mother Nature’s laws!

Everything considered, at 81, I dedicate the rest of my life to Regenerative Agriculture, Man’s most creative response to climate change, seeing:
Sustainable agriculture is
farmer-families development.
Regenerative agriculture is
whole villagedevelopment.




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