19 December 2021

My Brainchild, Sylvatrop, PH Forest Research Journal – Not Traveling The Information Superhighway, Now 3 Years Late!

Happy Memories: Editing a technical journal before The Digital Age, when printing itself took 1 month for an issue of 100 pages to come off the press with distribution copies. We even befriended the typesetter and layout artist to accelerate the printing process!

As the chief information officer, I was the one whose brainchild it was – complete name: Sylvatrop, The Philippine Forest Research Journal – first published by the Forest Research Institute(FORI) with me as Editor In Chief. I left FORI in 1981 for greener pastures; FORI has since transformed itself into the Ecosystems Research & Development Bureau (ERDB), and its mother agency the Department of Environment & Natural Resources (DENR) has since become the publisher of the journal, name shortened to Sylvatrop.

Sad News: Sylvatrop has been coming out very late, at this Digital Age – the latest, July-December 2018, that is, 3 years behind schedule! We must publish results of researches as soon as possible, to keep the technical public up-to-date with science.

I am reading what Adreana S Remo and Carmela Kris Armillahave written for the agency’s website, “ERDB Launches Pilot Mentorship Program To Increase Published Research Results[1]” (undated, Erdb.denr.gov.ph). Having been Editor In Chief of The Typewriter-Age Sylvatrop of FORI and The Digital-Age Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS) of the Crop Science Society of the Philippines based at UP Los Baños, I see that the ERDB led by Director Henry A Adornado is finally doing something concrete in terms of speeding up publishing the results of ERDB researches. If late, Director Adornado has this Digital Editor In Chief’s congratulations.

The need for publication is being met now – the speed is not. Now an octogenarian, thank God, a self-taught digital writer, editor & desktop publisher, I shake my head – with their issues 3 years late, the Sylvatrop people require technique, technology and time to catch up!

Good Old News: I was the Editor In Chief who made the PJCS from being 3 years late to up-to-date in 3 years and, in 2007, included in the elite international list “ISI“ (now “Web of Science“). Quality works! My secrets? These: Beginning 1975, I was editing typed manuscripts; beginning 1985, self-learning digital skills: writing, editing, layouting, up to complete desktop publishing.

For Sylvatrop’s sake, I hereby volunteer as an experienced Digital Executive Editor, ranked below Sylvatrop’s Editor In Chief, for 3 years, 6 semi-annual issues, to edit all the papers, desktop publish each whole issue – at the same time show the journal staff, and anyone interested, virtually, how I do/how they can do it themselves. Say yes!

How sure am I the Sylvatrop staff will learn digital publishing from 81-year-old me? I am sure they will – or where will they hide themselves if they cannot be taught even when they cannot deny that I taught myself all that I know about editing technical papers and desktop publishing them into journal issues like I did for the PJCS?

Digital Sylvatrop? Where there is a will, there is a way!@517


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