09 December 2021

Organic Vs Regenerative Fertilizer? Organic Vs Regenerative Agriculture?

On his Facebook page, Felipe Gabriel says he is a “Registered Agriculturist, an Organic Warrior, REBEL, and an Advocate!”

Noted. Me, I have a BS Agriculture; I am a warrior writer, also rebel; and an advocate of regenerative agriculture – I count organic farming as one regenerative practice (see my essay, “RegINA, Queen Mother Earth Nurtures A (Baby) Terrestrial Magazine In The Digital Universe![1]” 04 Dec 2021, RegINA, Queen Mother Earth). Regenerative is more encompassing.

On his Facebook sharing of 06 Dec 2021, Mr Gabriel introduces the above image in these exact words:

The NEW PARADIGM and the “Strongest Missing Link” in our present farming is the Beneficial Microorganisms! They are SIR CHEFS for our plants!

On the image itself: “Remember: Microorganisms are producers of Nutrients for crops; they are the chef!”

Microorganisms are Mr Gabriel’s heroes in farming;
my heroes are Microorganisms plus Macroorganisms.

Law of Nature: Macroorganisms (visible to the eye) and Microorganisms (invisible to the eye) participate in the breakdown of organic matter into humus.

In his article “Soils And Decomposition,” Charles McClaugherty says, “In soils, bacteria and fungi are the major microbial agents of decay[2],Geneseo.edu). Granted, “major agents of decay.” In fact, in and on the soil, organic decay is carried out naturally by more than just bacteria and fungi. Lyn Abbott says the breakdown of organic matter is naturally carried out by soil organisms that include not only microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi, but also macroorganisms such as ants, beetles, and earthworms[3] (Soilhealth.com). The FAO includes these in its list of macroorganisms: millipedes, mites, springtails, snails, slugs and woodlice[4].

I have gone through such length in minding Mr Gabriel’s several assertions that imply that it is only the microbes’ consumption of that organic matter that yields his favorite microbial-based liquid organic fertilizer that he either buys or concocts for his crops. But to carry out my RegINA – Regenerative from Intelligent, Information-Intense, Insightful Nature-Assured, Applicable Agriculture – without having to spend a single centavo for organic fertilizer, I favor a natural way of “applying” organic mulch, which I call “Lazy Juan Farming” that I explained in an earlier essay (27 October 2021, “Fertilizer Subsidy For PH Agriculture Considered. How About Lazy Juan Farming? No Joke![5] RegINA, Queen Mother Earth):

With your green manure crop, crop refuse and/or weeds, pass the rotavator over the field, blades cutting down to only 2-3 inches into soil surface. Thus, the rotavator will cut plant materials simultaneously with the soil into fine pieces, rather than chunks as with a disc plow, and mix soil and plant chops at the same time. Repeating the process all over your field, what results is a complete layer of soil-plant mulch that begins to decay right away!

To paraphrase Mr Gabriel now:

Thus: The New Paradigm” and the “Strongest Missing Link” in our present farming is the machine-enabled natural field mulchthat when degraded by microorganisms plus macroorganisms yields Mother Nature’s Best Foods for your crops – and you will harvest plenty of Health Foods naturally!@517






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