08 December 2021

Politics National, Rational & How We Filipinos Can Build A Better Philippines For All!

A wide-angle thinker and wide-eyed dreamer, I am invoking here the Christmas Spirit, that which I believe belongs to all mortals. Merry Xmas all!

Surprising even myself, I am now going political. Because not a single one of the candidates for PH President has made any statement equivalent to a Vision of the archipelago in the near/far-future. “Where there is no vision, there is no hope” – George Washington Carver.
(PH flag imag
e[1] from Adobe Stock)

So now I present as my gift to you xm@s, which is an acronym:

x = Unknown. Thus, since our candidate leaders are without Vision, the letter X refers to the absolutely necessary Vision! Male & female, all of them have much to say and/or claim, but none mentions either or both Vision and Mission.

m = Mission. Now to clarify Vision and Mission, from ClearVoice, I pick this up[2]:

Your Mission statement focuses on today; your Vision statement focuses on tomorrow. @BrittSkrabanek

Applying that, the Vision is what you are pursuing with the Mission you are undertaking. So:

Vision: What is the candidate promising as the future of the Philippines?
Mission: What must be accomplished to bring about the fulfilment of that Vision?

The Vision does notachieve itself; it is a status that must be brought about. “Mission accomplished!” means the Vision has been achieved. And no, it is not solely the Leader who must labor to bring that Vision to reality; the Followers must contribute to the overall Mission.

@ = Approach: This is the Way Toward Accomplishing The Mission to bring about the Vision. The Visionary Leader has to encourage the followers, in this case the would-be President and us Filipinos – to walk the path of Cooperation working towards the Mission towards the Vision.

@ also refers to Adam’s Agriculture (AA). We are in the Garden of Eden; my King’s name is Adam and so I have found my Queen, her name is Eve! AA is what you and I can recognize as regenerativeit goes and grows all by itself.

s = Strategies. What are the tactics to be used? What are the citizens – directly under the lower leaders – supposed to do to help bring about the accomplishment of the Mission to help achieve the Vision that belongs to everybody?

When William Darwas on his 2nd 5-year term as Director General of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) based in India, in a shared document dated 23 June 2005, this appeared: “ICRISAT’s mission is to help empower 600 million poor people to overcome hunger, poverty and a degraded environment in the dry tropics through better agriculture[3].” Borrowing from that, since ICRISAT’s Mr Dar is now PH Chief of the Department of Agriculture (DA), we can say this:

DA’s mission is to help empower 100 million poor people to overcome hunger, poverty and a degraded environment in the archipelago through regenerative agriculture.

The best presidential candidate could learn from all of the above!@517




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