16 December 2021

This Teacher Teaching My Alma Mater “UP System” How To Teach Genius Independent Of Covid19 Restrictions!

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country – and alma mater, mine being the University of the Philippines System (UP System), by picking up digital wisdom from where I myself picked up via the personal computer starting Innocents Day 1985.

Main image is my workroom-bedroom. You are not a genius if you cannot work with messy. In the last 20 years, I did not go out of this room just to search for more knowledge – I could always find something useful with Google anytime. To prove my point, within that time, I blogged thousands of essays, at least 7 million words total! (Check out my latest blog with its 1000+ essay in the last 29 months; click this link to visit RegINA, Queen Mother Earth). It’s all communication for village development this 2021 (CoVID21).

Today, I am extremely disappointed that my alma mater is merely following instructions, as according to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA), “Based on the pronouncements (of) the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) and the Commission of Higher Education (CHEd)…[1]” (29 Nov 2021, “OVPAA Memorandum No. 2021-164”):

Now then, with its academic freedom and independent genius, why cannot UP teach all-digital all the time?!

Yes, that begins my UP System Lecture on “Waking Up UP On Modern Instruction Systems,” that is, beginning with Harvard professor Howard Gardner’s now-widely-accepted theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) that was first presented to the world in 1983. I have written about MI many times in 14 years, the first in 2007 (see my essay, “Primate Change? Or Climate Change? You Choose! – The Blogal Village Voice,” 03 March 2007, iCRiSAT Watch, Blogspot.com), and the latest last November (see “It’s Time To Teach Teachers & Parents High IQ Is Nothing – “Walang Bubo!” 27 November 2021, RegINA Queen Mother Earth, Blogspot.com).

Now, instead of the UP System simply following the instructions of CHEd, since the UP System has academic freedom, which can be defined alsoas independence to teach via any combination of the who, what, where, when, why, and how in any subject under the sun in the digital universe, why does not UP teach via the Intelligence (I) set of Gardner?

1. Bodily-Kinesthetic I (“Body Genius”)
2. Existential I (“Life Genius”)
3. Interpersonal I (“People Genius”)
4. Intrapersonal I (“Self Genius”)
5. Mathematical-Logical I (“Number/Reasoning Genius”)
6. Musical I (“Music Genius”)
7. Naturalist I (“Nature Genius”)
8. Verbal-Linguistic I (“Word Genius”)
9. Visual-Spatial I (“Image Genius”).

With/without Covid19 restrictions, why not UP teach any and all subjects via digital communication; each learner finding out his/her genius – with UP teaching thinking, not memorizing? “I am always ready to learn,” says Winston Churchill, “although I do not always like being taught.”

Getting the budget of billions of pesos to change the UP System educationally, from The-Single-IQ today to The-Multiple-Intelligences-Digital-Configuration tomorrow should notbe problematic. UP System, this genius will support you. Don’t tell me there are no inside Presidential and/or Legislative Geniuses?!@517


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