17 December 2021

Rappler Rejoicing & What Has Social Media Wrought? Jeopardy Jamming Journalists With Facts Free Of Fundamentals

I’m imagining journalists in the Philippines covetously celebrating Rappler’sCEO Maria Ressa winning the Nobel Peace Prize 2021. All that glitters is gold, and scatters.

Above, Voltaire Tupazwas Maria Ressa’s Rappler Recruit #1; he says, “I was a young advocate then, exploring social media for my social cause” (15 Dec 2021, “Rappler At 10: From Maria Ressa ‘Troll’ To Employee No 1[1],” Rappler.com):

There were 12 of us in the founding team… The civic engagement arm, where I belonged, was called MovePH because we built communities to take action on issues that mattered to them.

Before that, Mr Tupaz was “exploring social media for my social cause.”

Now I ask: “Social cause?”
Mr Tupaz says, “I was busy fighting for indigenous peoples’ rights in the Cordillera.”

“Fighting for peoples’ rights” was what Mr Tupaz was doing. I would rather do my journalism fighting for people’s good – not “goods” – as I am doing, with this blog RegINA, Queen Mother Earth, which is dedicated to the propagation, as it were, of Regenerative Agriculture, and which idea is enclosed in the first word of the name that when spelled out. this: RegINARegenerative from Inspiring, Intelligent, Information-Intense, Insightful, Nature-Nuanced, Applicable Agriculture.

Not another journalist to celebrate, instead I cerebrate. Going not for the gold that glitters, but the gold that spreads out. The Social Gold. “The One That Builds Communities.”

Just like our very own Mother Dear, we must respect Mother Nature even as we do our farming, starting with:

Not disturbing the soil unnecessarily before planting our crop/s. Not plowing by discs to literally destroy the soil structure and expose the clods to the sun and wind that soon dry them up.

I realize, of course, than when I advise farmers, “Do not plow,” that is going against 100 years of history of science-sponsored agriculture in the Philippines, starting with the founding of the University of the Philippines College of Agriculture (UPCA) in 1909. UPCA has now become a university, namely the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB).

Unfortunately, as an alumnus of ancient UPCA, now modern UPLB, I can see that Agriculture as a science is still a century old!

So I see that social media as a whole is a limitless, unplanted field for digitally broadcasting knowledge in farming and gardening and fishing for smart social good!

Rappler formed “MovePH” as its “civic engagement arms” and Mr Tupaz was its head, the name being an indication that, as he says, “Because we built communities to take action on issues that mattered to them.”

I have long identified one all-encompassing issue that as a journalist I love to cover and communicate for the social good, that now I call RegINA.  

And so while Rappler’s journalism continues to search for the truth behind each and every major political statement or assertion, I continue to practice my THiNK! Journalism – packaging the True plus Helpful plus Inspiring plus Necessary plus Kind! into knowledge I happily digitally disseminate for the social good.@517


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