10 February 2022

Organic Agriculture – Simultaneously Solving Farmer Poverty & Bad Health & Climate Change – Killing 3 Global Goliaths With 1 Stone!

Here is Digital David, undiscovered conqueror of 3 Global Goliaths, hurling 1 stone and defeating 3 international giant enemies simultaneously; here is Organic Agriculture working against Farmer Poverty + Bad Health+ Climate Change concurrently. A modern revelation in science!

Now then, as an agriculturist since 1965, a warrior writer since 1975, and blogger since 2000, Filipino, will I, Frank A Hilariogo down in history as Digital David,the Hand of Knowledge who independently hurled the Science called Organic Agriculture (OA) so that OA becomes The One That Strikes 3 Bads With 1 Stone?
(original “David & Goliath” images from Shutterstock, which I posterized)

The package of idea of OA solving 3 problems collectively – farmer poverty, bad human health and climate change – visited on me Thursday, 13 January 2022, and I blogged it the next day (see my essay, “In PH Agriculture As Elsewhere, We Need Badly A Paradigm Shift From Grey To Green!” Primate Change, Blogspot.com). I wrote these 47 words:

To stop global warming,
Change the Grey to Green:
Start with the Paradigm Shift!

A cultivated soil is grey; a regenerated soil is green. To regenerate agriculture, we must regenerate as much as possible the growing conditions when open lands are left to fend for themselves naturally.

One way to do that is Regenerative Agriculture(RA), the sound and sense of RA having been originated by Robert Rodale, son of JI Rodale, author, editor, publisher & founder of Rodale Institute, the world-famous advocate of OA. As a practice of RA, OA is excellent, as it gives back to the soil the natural wealth that we men as farmers have exhausted with our chemical agriculture.

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!” I realize today those 3 modern-day fearsome-to-deadly Goliaths, and that any of us can throw the modern stone of OA simultaneously at their foreheads to strike them dead!

Farmer Poverty

Whether you buy or make organic fertilizer yourself, OA is very much cheaper than chemical agriculture (you need 2 or more fertilizer kinds) for growing crops. (Additionally, I can teach you my “Mulching Matilda,” an inexpensive organic fertilizing method.) Lower production cost, higher net income. Also, because healthy plants resist pests and diseases, pesticides are unnecessary.

Bad Health

With organic agriculture, the crops grown and animals raised on soils nurtured entirely with organic matter are naturally healthy and, therefore, produce naturally healthy foods. With chemical agriculture, some amounts of chemical residues are left in-out of your fruit, vegetable, or meat.

Climate Change

When you resort to organic agriculture, there are zero chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides to produce greenhouse gas of any kind or amount. You are anti-climate change!

Now then, when you practice organic agriculture, there are 3 things you are doing: One, automatically you’re making your farming profitable. Two, automatically you’re improving society’s health by healthy foods you grow. Three, automatically you’re zeroing in on climate change by zeroing your greenhouse gases!@517


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