08 March 2022

AmCham Philippines – Gentlemen, You Will Love To Invest More As You Become David Who Defeats 3 Goliaths With The Same Single Stone – Organic Agriculture Vs Farmer Poverty, Unhealthy Foods & Climate Change!

I know next to nothing about going into business, so this time I will play it by ear. All I can see right now is opportunities, given the obstacles. With and beyond British wit Oscar Wilde, I see the doughnuts, I see through the holes!

Who happens to be the most optimistic fellow about Philippine agriculture right now? I happen to be that one, a wild, wide reader since high school, UP '65 Agriculturist, Educator (BSA major in Ag Edu, Civil Service Professional), self-styled warrior writer since 1975, and inveterate blogger since 2000. The only problems are that I have neither capital nor business acumen! Instead, I am an encourager. The motivation and media style are reflected in the title of my blog: For A (Happier) Philippines!

At the Department of Agriculture (DA), here comes Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, ANN says, talking to and trying to convince members of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (AmCham) to put their money where their mouth is and invest in the sector that is “ready for big leagues entrepreneurship” (Author Not Named, 05 March 2022, “Sec Dar Convinces AmCham Members To Invest In Philippine Agri,” DA.gov.ph).
(AmCham logo from LinkedIn.com)

About this American group doing business in these islands, their own website says (AmCham Philippines, amchamphilippines.com):

Incorporated in 1920, the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (AmCham) has been striving to contribute to the Philippine economic growth for the socioeconomic development of the Filipinos.

AmCham is 102 years old! That means this group stuck with the Filipinos in their struggle for independence from the US of A (1945), and from the internal strife called “People Power” against PH President Ferdinand Edralin Marcos (1986). AmCham has not given up on us – so why should we?

Here comes Mr Dar urging AmCham to open their eyes wider and discover more business opportunities in the Philippines, notwithstanding the Covid19 hullabaloo. Our country, he says, is “ready for big leagues entrepreneurship.”

And what is there to encourage AmCham’s business-mindedness now? Mr Dar says:

Our creativity led us to the transformations of Philippine agriculture we are quite proud of now, and we hope to kindle vibrant entrepreneurship through it. We want you there with us at this new turn.

Let us learn more about this group, AmCham. Its website says:

Its service… started as the Manila Coffee Round Table(1902) and later as the Manila Merchants Association. Although with different names, the Chamber’s commitment did not waver through time. It has been true to its commitment of developing and looking after the welfare of American businesses in the Philippines.

Now then, AmCham, you must be committed to the development and looking after more American businesses in the Philippines!

AmCham, more than Big Business in Organic Agriculture, you will be Big David helping defeat 3 Modern Goliaths: Farmer Poverty, Unhealthy Foods, and Climate Change. Find out more – find out now!@517

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