07 March 2022

Huge Political Change Coming To The Philippines – Whom Should We Vote For As President To Save Us From Ourselves As Our Own Enemies As We Are Co-Creators Of Climate Change!?

On Facebook, their followers are very noisy about their preferred Presidentiables, seemingly the 2 frontrunners being Leni Robredo, currently PH Vice President, and Bongbong Marcos(BBM), currently jobless. People are excited about their preferred candidates – but nobody is talking about one of the, if not the most important problem that the next PH President should tackle: Climate Change. (I leave Corruption to others.)

(Robredo-Marcos photo, Rappler.com)

Personally, I don’t think that either Leni or BBM knows about this deadly un-natural enemy of the people, so I will now volunteer what I know and what is/are doable. If they both pick up the challenge, may the best wo/man win!

The lower image above, my 24 Aug 2016 photograph onscreen of a scene inside the UPLB campus after a typhoon, shows the deadly un/natural power of climate change. It is a stark reminder that our practice of Agriculture is largely contributing to climate change in the form of greenhouse gases coming from chemical fertilizers. Those gases are invisible, but their eventual damage is visible and very destructive.

(See also my 06 March 2022 essay, “Today, Sunday, 06 March 2022, UP Los Baños Celebrates Its 113th Founding Anniversary – When It Comes To Agriculture In Relation To Climate Change, Has My Alma Mater Grown Wiser Or Simply Grown Older? Asking For A Friend!” For A (Happier) Philippines! Blogspot.com. It’s funny at our own expense!)

So, it becomes imperative for me, if not for you as a voter, to select a Presidentiable who appreciates, not necessarily knows much, about climate change and the crucial role that agriculture plays in cultivating, as it were, the deadly forces collectively known as “Climate Change” – chemical agriculture contributes to our Earth’s atmosphere so much greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the forms of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide – and it is these GHGs that warm the Earth unnaturally and bring havoc on all of us creatures great and small.

If any Presidentiable is listening, it should be an easy one on the wisdom of a subsequent presidential decree on agriculture – declaring that henceforth Philippine farming should all the time practice Organic Agriculture (OA), and no longer Chemical Agriculture (CA). Government will not punish the CA farmers, but will offer very attractive incentives to OA farmers.

Even without government incentives, in the practice of organic agriculture, farmers will find, will be amazed at 3 things they have never witnessed before in their lives:

(1)   OA makes farming very easy and very rewarding in terms of income. Why because CA costs much, much more than OA!

(2)   Farm crops grown via OA yield healthy vegetables and fruits that nourish the body, reducing and eventually eliminating food-related diseases. And they are priced higher.

(3)   OA reduces climate change – No more GHGs highly warming Earth’s atmosphere!

We need Primate Change at the top so that we can proceed with Citizen Change below so that we can defeat Climate Change from above!@517

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