06 July 2022

Inquirer’s Segundo Eclar Romero Reinventing President BBM Reinventing Hope For The Philippines!

Yes, as a full-blooded Ilocano, I voted for Leni Robredo, Bicolano. Yes, as a citizen, I support President Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr as much as I can with my digital journalism. To start publicly, I do not appreciate Inquirer columnist Segundo Eclar Romero as he belittles BBM via his inaugural speech.

Mr Romero, today, Tuesday, in your Inquirer column (05 July 2022, “Reinventing Government, Reinventing Hope” (opinion.inquirer.net), in your very first sentence, it is incorrect to say:

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr’s inaugural speech was like a feast of bombastic words, as one would expect in a high school declamation contest.

Doubly unkind of you, Mr Romero. You practice what I call “Truth Journalism,” which goes for the “truth” no matter who gets hurt. Me, I go through the entire “T.H.I.N.K. Process.” My journalism goes: “True + Helpful + Inspiring + Necessary + Kind” – the THiNK Journalism that I invented. (See my “Maria Ressa Thinks Truth Journalism. Like Apple, I Think Different,” 14 June 2020, THiNK Journalism, ithinkjournalism.blogspot.com).

No, Mr Romero, you did not study BBM’s speech well; here is a telltale sign – you claim a total of 2,800 words – the correct count is 2,675 words. Adding125 words, you are careless in counting as well as careless in discounting BBM!

Mr Romero, you say:

The most hair-raising statement is Mr Marcos saying, “rest assured, I do not predicate success on the wide cooperation that’s needed. I will get it done. You will not get any excuses from me.” These ideas, evocative of … martial law…

Mr Romero, I read the big word “If” in BBM’s statement: “I do not predicate success on the wide cooperation that’s needed.” If we citizens do not cooperate as followers down there, as President, BBM will get it done up there with the leaders below him.

And, surprise of surprises! Mr Romero, you say, “This is where I get confused” as you quote BBM:

Imagine how much more you’d achieve if government backstops instead of dictating your decisions.

“Instead of dictating your decisions” – Mr Romero, you quote it but ignore it!

Right after that quote, you say:

… if only Mr Marcos focuses on developing resilience among the people so they do not fall and expect the government to bail them out.

Mr Romero, BBM is acknowledging the necessity of government funding programs and projects – granting honorable heads of departments of government.

For instance, Mr Romero, Secretary of Agriculture William Dar had asked for Billions of pesos more funds from PRRD to run the Department of Agriculture (DA) with its 27 regular and attached agencies, that he referred to as “One DA.” How do you drive a car when you run out of gas?

Mr Romero, you say:

… I find it disturbing that Mr Marcos did not mention poverty, hunger, and disasters even once. Neither did he mention drugs, crime, and corruption.

Mr Romero, a discussion of corruption, crime, disasters, drugs, and poverty did notbelong in BBM’s exhortation of us Filipinos. It would have needed 2,675 words additional!@517

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