04 July 2022

Why I Thank The American People For The 4th Of July As Philippine Independence Day!

On 04 August 1964, RA 4166 proclaimed 12 June as “Philippine Independence Day” (Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org). So, on this date for the last 58 years, the Philippines has been celebrating Independence Day wrongly!

(“The Philippines Marches” image from Foreign Policy, foreignpolicy.com)

Here comes multi-literate Filipino Ramon Yedra  sharing on Facebook 03 July 2022:

Tomorrow, July 4th is the actual Philippine Independence Day as a sovereign republic. The June 12, 1898 declaration by Aguinaldo had a caveat note: “…under the protection of the powerful and humanitarian nation, United States of America.”. That protectorate status finally ended, by declaration of the USA, [on] July 4, 1946. 😏

My comment was: “I agree 100%!”

I love the United States of America! We Filipinos thank you for giving us our own Fourth of July – and Frank A Hilario thanks you for American English!

To those of you who do not know the correct history of PH Independence, I have these personal notes published in my blogs over the last 10 years:

“12 June 1898. Hating Spain, Loving the United States.” Frank A Hilario, Blogspot.com; all others give it the phlegmatic title … [1946] is our true Independence Day and I thank the Americans also for English. (date blogged: 11 June 2013)

“4th Of July: I Declare Independence From Draft PH Federal Constitution!”
Jul 4, 2018 – I Frank A Hilario consider today, the 4th of July, as the true Independence Day of the Philippines, that time when the US of A relinquished sovereignty over these islands.”

Here are more details. I wrote on 13 June 2015 “Thank You, Emilio Aguinaldo!” (Primate Change, primatechange.blogspot.com/):

I'm reading the full text of "The Act of Declaration of Philippine Independence" as translated by Sulpicio Guevara as announced by President Emilio Aguinaldoon 12 June 1898 (msc.edu.ph)… here's a pertinent excerpt from the Declaration…

“And having as witness to the rectitude of our intentions the Supreme Judge of the Universe, and under the protection of our Powerful and Humanitarian Nation, The United States of America, we do hereby proclaim and declare solemnly in the name by authority of the people of these Philippine Islands…”

Now then, the Philippines was officially under the protection of the “Powerful and Humanitarian Nation” US of A from 12 June 1896 to 04 July 1946! Leaders don’t lie, do they?

Above, I wrote that I love the US of A for American English. Truly, I do. Since 2000, I have been blogging thousands of essays in this foreign language, and loving it! Yes, I’m pro-American in most things, except glorifying divorce and LGBT people.

I began loving American English in high school yet, 70+ years ago! Already a lover of reading in Grade School, in High School, 1953-1957, in my hometown of Asingan, Pangasinan, I ransacked the library of the Rizal Junior College (HS Dept) that was rich not only in American and British classics (books) but also American magazines: Look, Life, Newsweek, Time, and Reader's Digest – which was my favorite.

Special thanks, Harry S Truman!@517

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